Thursday, 5 July 2012

Well, its a long time since I blogged.  I have often felt like letting rip, but its the same old same old, and there are only so many ways or times that you can say how much you miss someone or how lost and lonely you still feel, or how tired you are!  Still, here I go again, with apologies maybe.

Last week we had 2 people out at work and I got talked into working for 2 1/2 days.  I have to say, I was dreading it, I would rather have worked 5 mornings than all day.  Well, I did it.  The third day which was an all day jobbie was more difficult, but I am proud of myself for staying the course.  This week however it has hit me and I am knackered and pacing for all I am worth.  I took yesterday off, partly because I had a couple of moles removed on Tuesday, and partly because I had holiday I needed to use up.  Sadly I had to do quite a bit of running errands and so didn't get to rest as I should.  I think this afternoon will see me asleep for a while!

The fact that a pipe came free from the washing machine which meant it just kept on filling hasn't helped either.  I have an American style top loader so the water was cascading from the top of the machine as will as underneath.  Luckily there is a small step leading to the utility room so the water was contained.  Typically, the machine had a load of towels in it which weighed a ton, and my washing baskets all have vents in so I couldn't put the towels in them.  Thank heavens for storage boxes!  As well as mopping all the water up I had to bail out the machine.  Not good.  No wonder I am knackered peeps.

As happens when I am tired I am feeling low.  I have been dieting since Feb or March, have lost 1stone and 9lbs, which is a great achievement, especially for diet phobic me, but boy am I struggling.  I don't want to do it!  I want to eat what I want to eat and not have to think about how many points it contains before it passes my lips.  Whilst I have these feelings I also have conflicting feelings of I want to be slim and I want it now, with emphasis on the NOW!   I know its a long, slow game, but boy I am not sure I can do it.  I am tired of it, tired of salad and fruit and not much chocolate.   Mmmmm, twirl bites :o)  I guess I must still have the willpower there somewhere because I feel rebellious and want to just go splurge, but I can't bear the thought of putting weight back on and having to re-lose it!

My final bit of news is that I have sold my car * sob *.  My lovely little car with the wonky ariel that has been my companion for the past 3 years has finally got to go.  Its daft to insure and tax 2 cars, plus the van, and as mine was never the "family" car it is going. 

Thats it for now, hopefully not too moaning and depressive! x

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