Saturday, 8 October 2011

Oh yes, its that feeling from The Feeling!

So, I haven't blogged for a while.  Not been well sadly.  Looking after Dad has taken its toll and M.E flare has raised its ugly head.  Crap, hate it etc etc .........

Okay, Tuesday, The Feeling gig.  Rach and I were so apathetic about going, she made the gig back in February in Bath and didn't enjoy it.  No atmosphere, not many people and of course, no me :o)   It wouldn't have taken much at all for us to pull out, neither of us feeling up for it, but we went.  Oh boy, so glad we did!  The support act was Mads Langer, and he was very good, and funny with it.  Oh, and according to Rach, cute!  The venue was packed, typically all the tall people were there before us.  I think it should be a rule that tall people get to stand at the back.  Still, tenacity and elbows got us a good view.  Quarter past nine came and we were getting a bit edgy, our feet hurt, Rach had backache, we were thirsty.  Moan, groan, old age!!!  Texted husband to moan and the reply was along the lines of old fogeys r us!

All of a sudden electricity filled the air and the band were on stage.  Crowd goes wild and both Rach and I had stupid grins on our faces.  Oh yes, that feeling was well and truly back!    Feet hurting?  Nah.  Backache?  What backache?  Thirsty?  Oh you ain't seen nothing yet, wait until you have been singing and yelling for an hour and a half!!  We have been to see The Feeling four times, but this time they surpassed themselves.  They seem to have turned the instrumental bits of the songs into rock explosions.  It was bloody fantastic.  They finally left the stage at just gone 11pm, and the whole place was buzzing.  Sorry to be so cliche but its true.

Rach and I debated whether to do our "groupie thing" and hang around by the tour bus, but sadly old age struck and we decided to go home.  Of course, our feet ached, backs hurt, hands hurt from clapping, we could hardly talk or hear for that matter, but we were happy :o)

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