Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Well now the hard bit begins.  What am I saying?  It has all been hard!  I mentioned to my eldest son that I felt very emotionally young, but he told me I am strong when I need to be and this is just normal.  I know hes right, I am remembering the feelings from when Mum died, although I think there was a lot of disbelief with Mum as we didn't really realise just how ill she was. 

Probate has been granted, so now we can go about emptying the house and putting it on the market.  Husband has suggested we go to the estate agents this weekend to get an idea of how they would market it - it has a stair lift fitted and a wet room for disabled living - and how much they think it is worth.  Up until now it has all been talk.  After the initial clearing out of upstairs I found it easy to avoid going to the house.  Rob is still living there, although he has found a house to rent with his friends and will be moving out soon. 

Now, I will have to go to the house to sort out the remaining books, furniture, white goods etc.  We also have to sell his electric scooter.  Up until now it has all been talk, house sales that is.  It hit me, this great big block of bricks swinging back and forth, it is real.  Dad is dead, the house will be sold and that is the end of it all.  I really don't think I can cope with it all.

Some days I am lower than the lowest low thing.  I don't know how to get through the day, the weight is just too great.  Every little thing makes me cry.  I say I am aimless, and I have come to realise that my routine has changed drastically.  For the past I don't know how many years I have taken Dad out on a Thursday, then Wednesday was added, then Friday.  This was a regular thing, along with still popping in at odd times to "surprise" him, and the phone calls, the only one I don't miss is his 9am Sunday morning phone call!  No wonder I am lost.  I am better on other days and can talk to his photo and not get too upset.  I have apologised to Mum because at the moment I talk mainly to Dad.  I hope she understands and knows that in time I will chat to her as much as I used to.

I have had a few odd happenings, not sure if I have mentioned this first one.  A few days after Dad died I went into my bedroom to go to bed and there was an awful smell in there.  It was so bad I had to spray some deodorant in my room to mask it!  After looking round for cat poo, saying nothing about the cat!!, and finding nothing to cause the offensive odour, I said out loud that I wasn't too happy with the smell and could it please be taken away.  With that the smell instantly disappeared and a voice popped into my head to say "just to let you know he has arrived".  I need to say here that I have had no thought of contact with Dad because he was catergoric  in his belief that once he was dead that was it, the end.

Okay, the second odd thing was this week.  I was sat in the lounge having a cuppa and staring out of the window when a kestrel landed on the garage roof opposite.  It was weird, honestly, it really was.  We have buzzards in the summer flying overhead, and although I have never seen one around the area of the house and park I can't say that we don't have kestrels.  Its just I have never seen one landing on buildings, and never on the roof opposite my house!  It gives me comfort to believe, whether its true or not, that it was something associated with Dad.

Tuesday has been one of my lowest days so far I think, I really don't know why.  Tuesday night I dreamed of Dad and he was playing his "happy music" and telling me to listen to it.  Whenever anyone was down Dad would play The Maggie on his ipod.  He called it his happy music because it was a really jaunty tune, and we had it played at his funeral.  Okay, subconsciously I knew about this and maybe that was the reason for the dream, I don't know, and actually nor does anyone else.  Those people who know me know that I have the attitude of "look for the obvious, and if you can't find it then believe", and I want to believe.


  1. Well...
    Firstly you are good at getting your feelings out in written words...and it is always better for sharing those heaviest of weights.
    I think there is clearly a lot of your Mum's tragic loss in with you losing your Dad.
    I know how special your relationship was with your Dad, he was a great fatherly support to you and a lovely grand father too.
    As you say regardless of any so called rational explanations of your experiences of late, it is obvious that your Dad is occupying a huge part of your mind and heart.
    Funny enough with the bird thing...I can understand that feeling as I have had similar feelings around birds bringing my Dad's thoughts to the fore. As you said there is comfort in that.
    Love that your Dad already used music as a cheery thing...I enjoy the emotions that music can evoke...even the sad ones...they are all important parts of our lives, as well as remembering happier times too.
    Of course your Dad's house is a huge reality escaping that is sadly a brutal reminder of what has happened but I must correct you a little in that you say when the house is sold "that is the end of it all"
    Your Dad is half of you...your Mum the will carry both within you for your forever.
    Your Dad, my Dad, both left their beautiful

    Take care my dear friend Jill
    You know I am just here if you need a friendly ear and shoulder

    Mr Dx

    1. Thank you David, I know you are always there when I need you xx
