Thursday, 28 April 2011

Wish upon a star

I recently gave up one of my sessions at work because I was finding it too much.  I think it being an afternoon session didn't help as I get more tired as the day goes on.  Anyway, since then I have been feeling a bit lost I think.  I have worked Thursday afternoons for so long I still have to remind myself not to have lunch early and start getting ready to go!

On analysing my feelings I am not so sure it is the shorter working week.  I am feeling discontent for some reason, and as usual, I think that reason is lack of available funds.  I know, I know, daft giving up work when we need the money!  I so want to be able to go out and buy what I want, not just what we need (do we really need it or can we get away without for a while longer!).  I know the feeling will pass, it always does, but boy I wish it would hurry up!

I decided to pretend I have endless amounts of money and start a wish list, so here goes :o)
1.    New kitchen, flooring and walls
2.    New flooring in the hall and lounge
3.    A room dedicated to practising reiki, so people can come to the house for it.
4.    Maybe scrap numbers 1 - 3 and have a bigger house with some land, workshop for hubby and a reiki room!  Oh, and a grandad annex.
5.    Nice new clothes for myself and the family.
6.   A newer car with a cd player in so I can listen to my music instead of relying on the radio and my mp3

Its not a very exciting list, and I don't think its an unrealistic one.  Blimey, what a sad life lol. 

I would really love to know why some people are successful and others aren't.  Surely it can't just be down to ambition?  The job you do must account for some of it.  Obviously Dental Nursing is not the way to go!  I have to pay £220 for the privilidge of being a registered dental nurse.  Thats 7 sessions I have to work for nothing, three and a half weeks of the year I don't get paid for.  There are also courses we have to do to keep up with cpd for the registration requirements, one I went on last year cost £117 and I refused to do it this year.  It really isn't worth it.  I understand why we have to keep up with all the current rules and regulations, I really do, but I just don't think the fee is a fair one.  I really had better stop because this is one of my hobby horses, I get so worked up about it.  Switching off...................

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Well, work is over for me for another week - paid work that is!  I just about manage to work 8 whole hours a week and sadly that leaves me feeling worn out at best, ill at worst.  The heat is not good for me either, my joints are on fire atm and my fingers have turned into big fat sausages!!  I sooo wish I could be one of those people who manage to stay upbeat despite having an illness.  I find it totally wearing and in the end it gets me down, no matter how hard I try to stay positive.  I hate it.  By four o'clock most days I am done for, and this means going out on an evening is a real trial and I avoid it if at all possible.

Last year my daughter and I started going to The Freespirit Awareness Centre every other Tuesday to see the visiting medium.  It starts off with a prayer or reading, then a song, then the medium and then closes with another prayer.  Its usually a fun evening and the medium who runs it is a lovely lady who has freely given us advice as Bex appears to be quite sensitive.  My Mums sister could see spirit, and this appears to be the case for both Bex and myself.  We have both had a lot of unexplainable experiences.  I do believe in the paranormal, but I always have the motto "look for the rational first, and if you can't find an explanation then it is more than likely paranormal" .   My eldest son studied psychology at university and when I suddenly announced that I could smell the seaside (we were in the lounge) he pronounced his verdict that I had the first signs of schizophrenia - thanks son!  We have lots of conversations about the world of spirit, and he came with us on a visit to The Ram Inn at Wotton-under-Edge, supposedly the most haunted inn in Britain.  I have to say that the chap who runs it is more scary than its reputation!  Nothing made an appearance for us, but a friend took my youngest son around after the main tour and Rich mentioned that the barn was very misty.  He hadn't been present when the historical talk was being given because I didn't want him frightened, so he didn't know that the barn had caught fire and half burned down at one time.  Interesting.  Neither my friends, the husband being a seasoned investigator, or ourselves had any experiences or feelings at all.  Maybe it would have been different at night, but there is no reason in my mind why it should have been, apart from the fear of the dark or of falling down the unsafe staircase!

Anyway, I haven't managed to go to the Centre yet this year, having not been too well.  I did do an animal communication workshop run by Bernie, which I enjoyed hugely, and was gratified to find that the things I picked up were correct.

Need to stop for a mo, its the first day back at school tomorrow and need to sort out the childrens "things".

Monday, 25 April 2011


How do you motivate someone else to get going when you don't feel like it yourself?  My daughter no 2 does like to stay in her bed far longer than is necessary.  I was not allowed this luxury growing up, my father was an early riser and we had a dog to take out before school, so a lie in for me was 7.30am.  Nowadays 9.30 feels absolutely slovenly and I don't like to stay in bed once I am awake.  Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those people who is up with the lark and getting on with the jobs of the day, I like to get up, have breakfast and then read my book with a cup of tea by my side.   I am not at all motivated when it comes to "housewifely" things.  However, once I have kicked myself up the bum and tidied around I do like to get on and go out.  The problem is that daughter is still lolling in bed.  I steel myself and stick my head round her door to chivvy her along.  She's a teenager - need I say more?  Its now lunchtime and I have been into her room twice to get her moving.  The irony of it is that we are going shopping for shorts - for her, not me.  I am far too lenient!

Oh, here she is :o)     Looks like we are off.  I don't anticipate a fun outing, we have to take youngest son who is busy playing on his new xbox.  I say new, its new to him, having bought it from his older brother as a birthday present.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Why is it?

Have you ever noticed that there are spiders in your shower cubicle?  I always notice them when I am covered in showergel, hair full of shampoo and tilt my head up to get rid of said cleansing products.  There they are, lurking in the corner of the cubicle.  Then they move!  I stand there praying they will keep to the top of the wall and not slide down the steamed up tiles.  I don't particularly mind spiders, but I don't want to have to deal with them when I am naked and covered in shower gel, especially if there is a chance I might have to touch it and said spider gets stuck to me.  No, not up for that at all thank you very much.  Trouble is, I have the sort of memory that lets me down, and I only notice the spider the next time I am half way thru my shower!!

Another thing my children noticed today was that my tweety pie pants could be clearly seen through my fawn coloured shorts.  Shame they didn't tell me this yesterday when I had my animal pants on with "Crazy" enblazoned across my backside!!

I pulled a blinder this morning.  Made a cup of tea and went to take my tablet. Gulped it down with a mouthfull of tea and nearly gagged.  It tasted absolutely foul.  It was then I mentally backtracked and realised I had in fact taken the dogs steroid tablet instead of my own medication!  If you see me on all fours cocking my leg call the vet!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

early morning and alls not well

Well, its 3.42 according to the pc's clock and I can't sleep.  The warm weather has arrived, and with it the usual symptoms for M.E .   Heat and M.E don't go together, mind you not much does go with it apart from rest and not enjoying yourself!  At the moment all my joints ache horribly, and am still waiting for the pain killers to kick in.

I had swine flu 2 weeks ago, spent 4 days in bed and a week doing nothing, and felt better than I have done in years.  The first morning back at work put paid to that and I have felt rubbishy ever since!  Theres a message there but can't afford to listen to it, even tho I only work 8 hours a week.  Mind you, at the time I felt that oblivion would have been far preferable, or even a long labour!

Its birthday season in the household, 3 of my children have birthdays within 3 weeks of each other - hows that for bad planning?  One down, 2 to go.  Today we are taking a group of 6 boys to the grand pier at Weston-Super-Mare for sons birthday treat - his actual birthday is Easter Sunday.  Again, bad planning?  It wasn't until we had made all the arrangements with various parents that we realised it is Bank Holiday weekend, and Good Friday - eeeeek!  I have visions of us stuck on the motorway, joining the traffic heading for Devon and Cornwall for hours on end, finally arriving at destination to find no parking and a jam packed pier.  Hey ho!  We are planning to leave at 8.45, probably along with the rest of the country lol.

I have finally given in to my guinea pigs in their bid for freedom (yup, topic change there).  They have their hutch, 2 storey, sleeping compartment, all mod cons, on the patio area, with part of the grass fenced off for them, but obviously, the grass is greener etc. and they continually make a bid for freedom.  My son finally found out a small gap they are squeezing thru and attempts to fill it have been thwarted.  I took the plunge yesterday to remove the fencing and lay it on bricks so they have somewhere to hide and they are now free range piggies!  Hopefully they will appreciate this and not get eaten by ours and the neighbours cats!!  They have the safety of 2 separate hutches to hide in, plus various tubs so life should be even more exciting for them.  Watch this space.

I need to go to bed, must get some more sleep to handle tomorrow.  Hopefully husband will have stopped snoring, the dog won't have snuck into my space whilst I have been downstairs and all will be peaceful for another 3 hours.

Friday, 15 April 2011

How Strange

How weird.  I came on here to follow a friend with his intellectual musings, and somehow found myself signed up on googlemail and blogging myself.   Yet another wonder of modern technology I wll not learn how to use and will, after a while, grow bored of no doubt.  Brilliant tho the internet is, sometimes you just can't beat a good book!

I must say, I do have a habit of rambling.  I sit at the keyboard wondering what to type, and my fingers and mind just seem to take over and hey presto, the page is full up of wierd and sometimes wonderful stuff.  If anyone were to analyse it I would no doubt be in trouble!  My blogs on myspace were personal, and a very few people were allowed in, can I do the same here I wonder?

I am thinking I will stop now, before I get going, if you see what I mean.  Things to do , children (? 25 and 27yr old fiancee, how do you describe them?) to pick up from the train station.   Eldest son and his fiancee are flying out to Turkey today, doing a very short stop here from Plymouth, for me to take them to the airport.
As I am recovering from swine flu - worst thing ever, I have never felt so ill before and hope never to feel that ill again, - so I have booked them on the airport shuttle from the bus station, thus saving me the hassle of city negotiating!

I have gone to Tesco for supplies for lunch, then to the train station.  TTFN