Thursday, 21 April 2011

early morning and alls not well

Well, its 3.42 according to the pc's clock and I can't sleep.  The warm weather has arrived, and with it the usual symptoms for M.E .   Heat and M.E don't go together, mind you not much does go with it apart from rest and not enjoying yourself!  At the moment all my joints ache horribly, and am still waiting for the pain killers to kick in.

I had swine flu 2 weeks ago, spent 4 days in bed and a week doing nothing, and felt better than I have done in years.  The first morning back at work put paid to that and I have felt rubbishy ever since!  Theres a message there but can't afford to listen to it, even tho I only work 8 hours a week.  Mind you, at the time I felt that oblivion would have been far preferable, or even a long labour!

Its birthday season in the household, 3 of my children have birthdays within 3 weeks of each other - hows that for bad planning?  One down, 2 to go.  Today we are taking a group of 6 boys to the grand pier at Weston-Super-Mare for sons birthday treat - his actual birthday is Easter Sunday.  Again, bad planning?  It wasn't until we had made all the arrangements with various parents that we realised it is Bank Holiday weekend, and Good Friday - eeeeek!  I have visions of us stuck on the motorway, joining the traffic heading for Devon and Cornwall for hours on end, finally arriving at destination to find no parking and a jam packed pier.  Hey ho!  We are planning to leave at 8.45, probably along with the rest of the country lol.

I have finally given in to my guinea pigs in their bid for freedom (yup, topic change there).  They have their hutch, 2 storey, sleeping compartment, all mod cons, on the patio area, with part of the grass fenced off for them, but obviously, the grass is greener etc. and they continually make a bid for freedom.  My son finally found out a small gap they are squeezing thru and attempts to fill it have been thwarted.  I took the plunge yesterday to remove the fencing and lay it on bricks so they have somewhere to hide and they are now free range piggies!  Hopefully they will appreciate this and not get eaten by ours and the neighbours cats!!  They have the safety of 2 separate hutches to hide in, plus various tubs so life should be even more exciting for them.  Watch this space.

I need to go to bed, must get some more sleep to handle tomorrow.  Hopefully husband will have stopped snoring, the dog won't have snuck into my space whilst I have been downstairs and all will be peaceful for another 3 hours.

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