Saturday, 21 May 2011

Loggin in and free range

I feel I am coming to a point where I could quite easily just blog about trying to log onto sites for various reasons, and usually failing!  For those of you who don't know, and you are lucky cos it means I haven't bent your ear - yet, being a dental nurse is no longer an option unless you are registered.  Yup, at huge cost, not only for registration fees £120 (don't get anything for them), CRB check fees £50, insurance £40 , but for course fees as well, which vary from anything from £5 to £500!  Being registered means we have to do both verifiable and non verifiable CPD, or continuing professional development, hence course fees, and hence the latest disagreement with logging in, or on!  The insurance company we use has thoughtfully provided some free verifiable cpd online, just sign up, read the articles, answer the questions and hey presto, 3 hours worth of cpd.  Wahoo you might think, and indeed I did.  That is until I signed up, found out I had alread done so at some point, (this CRAFT is becoming a big problem!), clicked on the can't remember box and finally logged in.  Wow, look at all this stuff I can do, and being Saturday night, how much more exciting can you get?  I really know how to live it up, so watch out!  Actually, we did have an invite to pop over to the neighbours' party, but I am such an unsociable bint that I would rather stay home and watch Britains Got Talent and do dental stuff.  Hubby has gone, clutching his bottle of wine, with the instruction not to lock him out.  I am such a sad woman, honestly!  I think it stems from the fact that I don't drink alcohol, still haven't found anything I feel I could drink, and sitting and watching everyone else get pi**ed just doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, trying to find the articles.  Don't you just hate it that after all your efforts you are redirected to a page that basically says "ha, ha, this page is no longer available, fooled you!"  Okay, try another page, same result.  I am sure I have probably, possibly read the article in paper form at some point, but would like to just scan it to make sure and have a reasonable chance of getting my cpd certificate, for free if you please.  Does my head in!  We are now also registered with the Quality Control Commission.  If this means I have to start being nice to the patients I am doomed ........................................

By the way, for those of you not yet familiar with CRAFT, it means you can't remember a f**king thing :o)

With reference to my "Did you know?" blog, I have also found out that guinea pigs don't understand English either.  My pigs are now free range, a fact which I love, but I am still nervous about.  Its been a few weeks now and so far so good, they are still alive and kicking, eating the grass down to its roots and probably totally killing the grass off forever, along with the dog peeing on it and making pretty yellow patches!  I was worried this morning tho, only seeing one of them, Dougie.  "Why are you alone?" I asked him, quite seriously, but he ignored me.  How rude!  "Dougie, where is George?  Why are you on your own out here?"  Little so and so still didn't reply, and thats when I realised that he obviously doesn't speak English.  To put your minds at rest, George has made an appearance, and so far there are still two free range pigs.

And talking of free range, this had me confused.  I was at the salad counter in Morrisons, and there was a container of "free range egg salad", which was a tub of different lettuces and cut up tomato.  Not an egg in sight.  Very strange indeed.

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