Wednesday, 11 May 2011

bad form

Have had a stressful week, need to unload, but feel too wired up to do it.  Oh well, no doubt once I let my mind take over that will be that.  Am listening to Del Amitri, haven't heard them for years but Radio 2 have been playing them quite a bit lately, so I went mad and bought the best of cd.  Have got them on vinyl up in the loft somewhere, no doubt scratched to bits.  Music is a great way for me to unwind and let go and as I have the house to myself for a bit I am indulging myself loudly.

I have been feeling odd lately.  Can't quite put my finger on it, sort of lost.  Did think it was unfulfilled but thats not quite right, bored?  Thats not it either, so I think I will just stick to odd!  Mind you, I did put the chicken into the dishwasher to roast, so odd is about right lol.  I wonder if its because of dropping a session at work?  I so wish I had the stamina to do more instead of doing less.  It might stop me moaning about the registration, insurance, course fees etc!

Its student finance time again.  Thought I would try filling it all in online, after all, it is supposed to be easier!  Hmmm.  Phone student finance to check which years accounts they need, finally get thru after 10 mins and a menu longer than a restaurant menu!  I could have bought something in B in a Q and been back and still have time to stick the kettle on before I got to the relevant department.  Okay, get the website up, they say I am already registered, which is strange as I always send in a paper copy.  Whats my password and secret answer?  Er, don't know, not done it this way before!  Send off for relevant details and await answer.  Try again and yes, I am in.  Fill out the form, and have to admit it was easy, but, there was nowhere to put hubbys details.  On the phone again before I submit everything to check there will be another section for his details.  Yup, off to B in a Q again, etc etc.  The man from delmonte say Yes - well, actually it was a lady, and she was from student finance, but hey, if the advert fits .......   Okay, click on submit and off go my details into the ether.  Click continue and it takes me back to the beginning.  Click on submit information and, hang on, no box, just the message to say that I have already filled all this in.  Stress levels rising again.  Phone again.  Got a very helpful lady who agreed that the computer fad wasn't always was it was cracked up to be and very sorry but you will have to fill out a paper copy for your husband.  Arrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.  Find relevant form to download with help from the still very helpful lady and say goodbye.  Paper?  Check, add a bit more for good measure, press print.  Bloody thing takes in 3 sheets of paper at once, twice, if you see what I mean, leaving me with more scrap paper to add to the pile, and then runs out of paper.  More paper, press print and off we go.  Except we don't.  The pc has decided that the printer is still out of paper so turn it off and on again.  Finally,  I have the paper copy in my grubby mits to fill in. Bit faint cos the colour cartridge needs changing.   Take it to the lounge to sit in comfort and off I go.  I fill out the very first box - incorrectly!  Back to printer, change cartridge, align etc, print off another page one and back to lounge.  All that is left now is for husband to sign it, and me to post it.  Thank heavens she only has one more year left.  Keep trying to persuade her to leave now and come home to keep me company but she is determined to stay and see out the four years!  Not letting her stay longer cos I have just realised that I have just filled out the last student finance form - wahooooooooooo!  I think I need to go and do something to celebrate, like collapsing in a heap on the settee :o)


  1. Printers are the devils spawn!
    There is a huge irony about the so called ease of on line forms...they are satisfying IF you ever manage all the way through one
    But mainly they just confirm your poor PC choice and your lack of PC savi...but most importantly
    Printers are the devils spawn! :>Dx
