Thursday, 15 September 2011

Frustration and tears!

Saturday: Matthew arrives at Dads to cook his breakfast.  Dad asleep in chair downstairs, sausages cooking in frying pan!!

Sunday:   I go to do Dads breakfast.  Arrive to find Dad asleep on chair in kitchen doorway with fishfingers burning in frying pan!  Dish up, talk to Dad about cooking breakfast, remind him about timetable I made for him showing who is doing what and when.  Change his sheets and tell him I will sort out with Erica for her to change them twice a week and I will wash and dry them. Dry him after his shower and snuggle him in bed.  Struggling big time with M.E :o(

Monday:  Matthew arrives at Dads to cook his lunch.  Dad already trying to cook it!  Trying to poach an egg but put it in microwave for 10 mins.  I go and sort out his tea.  Remind him again about timetable.

Tuesday:  Sarah cooks Dads lunch as I am working.  There is a bag of wet washing for me.  Erica has changed his sheets at Dads request.  Arggghhhhhh!  I sort out tea and remind him that I said I would sort out with Erica the bed change.  He looked so sad I couldn't be angry.  He said he is so confused that maybe he had better just leave it all to me.

Wednesday:  Reasonably good day, no confusions!

Thursday  :  Not a good day.  Dad not feeling too good so I take his lunch upstairs to him.  We chat about various things, including the timetable and add a visitor for Friday.  I tell Dad that I will be back later to sort out his tea, which I prepared at lunchtime to save me time later on.  Remind him, quite forcibly not to leave his bed.  Pop to Tesco to buy some potato salad to go with his tea on the way to his house.  Get a phone call from Matthew to say that Dad has phoned to say he has had his tea and has gone back to bed.  Now this for me was just one step too much!  Hence I was to be seen publicly crying in Tesco.  Not a good look chaps. 

I am such an emotional person and I am very tired at the moment.  The two do not sit well together.  The frustration is just too much.  I don't scream, I cry!!  Go to Dads and remind him I was coming to sort out his tea.  He said that he woke up and looked at the clock and it was 17.01  which he mistook as being 7 o'clock, so he found his tea in the fridge and had it.

What do I do?  Nothing.  Its not his fault he is getting confused, and I am getting angry.  I am going to look out for a big clock to put in his bedroom.  Matthew has suggested a white board instead of the paper timetable and we write on it each day.  How has it come to this?  I have read the internet articles on liver failure, and I know that his confusion can be contributed to that.  It can also be because he is soo tired all the time.  Who knows?  He has a consultants appointment at the end of the month.  If he is still not well enough to go to it Matthew and I will go alone.  Maybe it will be easier to ask questions without Dad there.  Hopefully there will be some answers ............................

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