Sunday, 18 September 2011

wee beasties and fantasies

As we all know, I am feeling rather crappy at the moment.  I usually have a packet of painkillers handy by my bed to take in the night if needed, but have run out.  Hence, 3am this morning, I was to be found downstairs raiding the medicine cupboard.  I turned on the kitchen light, to be confronted by a mouse on the draining board.  We have had mice ever since we moved in.  Rosie (the cat!) manages to keep the population down for us, but is showing no interest this year.  Hmmm, not pulling her weight now she's 17! 

What is it with mice?  They have this look.  It sort of mesmerises you and glues you to the spot, and then the gooey, aren't I sweet look hits them!  I has to be the size of their eyes in comparison to their body. *sigh* Anyway, it works with me every time, and I told it to get back under the sink and off my draining board.  Mice, along with spiders it seems, don't understand English.  Flippin thing took to hiding behind my CD player instead.  I made a mental note to get the kitchen spray out in the morning and clean all the surfaces, took my tablets and headed off to bed.  Maybe tonight I will lock the cat in the kitchen and leave the cupboard door under the sink open!

That wasn't my only encounter with the wild creature world yesterday.  Many of you will know of the spider in the shower, well now meet its cousin, spider in the bathroom!  Rich called me to say he had a wasp in his room and could I get it out for him.  (Just call me pest control).  Having duly captured and deposited the sleepy wasp out of the window I needed a wee.  Sorry, but it happens!!  Went into the main bathroom, sat down, minding my own business (no pun intended!) when for some reason I looked up.  Oh, I wish I hadn't.  There on the wall was a spider, ambling along from the bath end of the room to the door.  I don't mind spiders, but I am not really keen being held hostage.  Not alot I could do but hope that it stayed just below the ceiling and kept moving!  Typically it stopped by the light pull, but I ignored it, just going a wee bit faster as I exited.

All this talk reminds me I need to treat the cat for fleas.  She hasn't got them, but its the regular treatment time.  The pets need a calendar of their own to remind me when they need worming, de-fleaing etc.  I used to get a reminder from the vet, but since buying the various remedies online this has obviously stopped.  Still, so much money saved :o)

Right, thats it for now.  Have just got time to do the ironing before going to Dads.  I am sure I was swapped at birth you know!  Surely I belong in a very rich family setting where life runs smoothly, money is no problem, housework is done by servants etc etc.  No?  It is a fantasy, just like the one where a rich man waits for me at the checkout at Tesco and offers to pay my shopping bill each week!  Oh, and the one when I occasionally browse the jewellers window and someone says I can have any ring I want!  How sad am I lol.  Notice how all these fantasies involve money and nothing else.  Oh god, maybe I am getting old after all ...............

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