Saturday, 16 July 2011

Thursdays child

I have decided that Thursday is my favourite day of the week.  It is the first day I can do what I want without having to stress about other people too much.  Having said that, last Thursday I had ratdog for the day as my friend was on a course!  Still, headed off to the park with both dogs, but without ducky food.  Headed off away from the pond and ratdog immediately found himself another playmate, so I stood chatting for around half an hour whilst the dogs played and then strolled on round the rest of the park.  That little dog has so much energy it is unbelievable, and I wish I had an eighth of it!  All in all we were out for an hour and a half and he was still going strong, despite the fact that Caroline had taken him out before dropping him off to me. Hopefully there is a photo of the two of them together relaxing!

 Got home and tidied up then went to Yate to do some odd jobs and do the dreaded weekly shop.  I also do Dads shopping if he needs it, so this is my excuse for chatting to myself - I was trying to remember what he needed, honest!  Posted by Picasa 

Went and fed the ducks Friday morning and saw the heron.  Yayyy.  Was feeling a bit sad because so far this year it has eluded me, so this cheered me up.  I am happy and more relaxed now too, and have a strange theory about it!  I have wanted a London Blue topaz ring for a while now, and haven't found one that I like or can afford.  Trawled ebay again and came across a picture that although wasn't a london blue, was a beautiful turquoise colour, so bought it.  It took 3 attempts for the payment to go through and I should have picked up then on the "destiny" aspect.  I joked to the seller that I was obviously not meant to have this ring, but she realised she had missed a letter off her email address on her paypal account and that is why the payments weren't processing.  As a thank you for being patient she sent me a pendant to match the ring.  Okay, the ring arrives, and is a pale blue topaz, nothing like the photo.  In itself it is pretty, but nowhere near the colour of the photo, or what I want.  Anyway, I started wearing it.  Now, it may be coincidence, but it gradually became noticable to me that was around that time that my moods were dipping.  I do believe crystals can affect you, I do not do well with malachite, it goes almost black when I wear it instead of green.  I have stopped wearing the ring, and feel happier.  Coincidence?  Almost certainly, but I still feel I was not meant to have that ring.  So, if anyone would like to buy a sky blue topaz ring, size L, I have one for sale!

Friday morning was spent with the lovely Captain Ed, who has been roped into helping my Dad with piano and german lessons, without his knowledge!  Sorry Ed! lol  We had a good chat about paranormal happenings, and I fear I shall be commandeering him again for yet more gossiping :o)  Sorry Ed again?!

Then it was the prom!  The long awaited, hassle causing prom.   Everyone looked so smart, and the boys in particular were on a high - the noise coming from the limo was quite spectacular!  One of the parents had arranged a sleepover for 16 of the children afterwards, and Rich was invited, despite our misgivings.  Sixteen hyper children in a 3 bed house?  Hmmmm.  He wanted to go so we let him ..........................

Twelve thirty am, the texts start!  He is not a happy bunny, is tired, there is too much noise, one of the boys who was asleep has had a smiley face drawn on his bum with permanent marker.  He didn't ask to be picked up, but I found myself at 1am trying to find no. 40, when the garage numbers went 38, 39, 41!  Knocked on the wrong door, but quietly luckily and ended up phoning to say I couldn't find the entrance or in fact, the house!  By the time I had locked up our house on arriving home and gone upstairs, Rich had gone to bed and was asleep!   He slept until 11.30 this morning, bless him.  I am going to go back to bed now lol.

Photos of the prom are on facebook so haven't posted them here.  Chat soon :o) x

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Stress mismanagement and a bit of bumbling.

I am stressed and I really don't know why.  I don't like it!  Its almost like I have PMT (sorry guys!) but I don't get that any more thanks to the drugs!  School uniform is stressing me, although there are at least 6 weeks to go before I need to even think about it.  Have bought the new uniform for Sodbury for both Bex and Rich, so just need the trousers and shirts.  That will be a haul in itself for Becky.  Skinnyfit black trousers and a fitted blouse?  Ha, not in the shops round here matey.  Rich is easier, although the panic with him at the moment is his "prom" outfit.  Two days left to find something ffs! 

Each time I go into work something new seems to pop up.  I have suggested the nurses get together to iron things out if we can, but one of them countersuggested a shotgun! lol  We are waiting to win the rollover on the lottery - that would ovbiously sort out all the problems.  I have just sent off yet another payment, £59 this time for the CRB check.  Posted the registration fee of £120 yesterday.  Thats more than half my wages gone for this month then!  Going on holiday in less than a fortnight too.  Hope none of you are expecting postcards and rock!  Come to that, hope my family aren't expecting food!

Just had a thought, perhaps this packet of tablets is a placebo and thats why I feel out of control.  Hmmm, must see a man about some drugs!  Maybe he can come up with a concoction to sort me out *scratches head thoughtfully*  When you think of all the advances made in the world, surely there should be some sort of reliable happy pill available, one that is 100pc sure to work.  A brain sorting out potion would be good too.  When I hear of the tales my son tells about the autistic and special needs children, its heartbreaking and actually horrifying in some cases.

Work is over for another week.  Monday was my last session with Cameron, and he ended it with a lovely hug.  Long time since a young man had his arms around me.  Of course, I hated every minute of it, but endured it for the sake of my job.  I mean, what woman would want a strong young man hugging her?! lol  This morning was mainly check ups which is boring, but that is the way it goes sometimes.  Back in tomorrow for Beckys ortho appointment.

I haven't seen my ducks for a few days now.  Strangely, not been feeling up to it.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day.  It worries me a bit because its something I get a lot of pleasure from.  Must kick myself into gear instead of worrying about not feeling right.  Sarah came with me last time I went and then we went in the wildlife area, me braving the possibility of snakes and or sloworms ewwwww.  Nice walk tho.  Its nice to spend a bit of time with her alone.  Mind you, Sarah wasn't impressed with my duckies or feeding all the ducks.  I swear shes not my daughter lol. 

I joke about that a lot actually.  When I was growing up I was animal mad, out on horses all the time, walking the dog etc.  I went to discos and wore makeup but wasn't mad on fashion and music and shopping.  I have said this before, explaining my lack of housewifely enthusiasm.  My daughters on the other hand, love shopping, fashion, cooking.  My Mum would be proud of them cos she loved cooking and was "a homemaker".  It seems to have skipped a generation big time, and it is always a surprise for me.  When I have to go and buy mascara, foundation or hair straighteners as presents I am flummoxed.  I wonder up and down the aisles and eventually give in and ask a young assistant.  Hairdressers can't believe that I don't own a hairdryer!  I am really bad at looking after myself, my daughters are always telling me to moisturise etc.  Bottom of the heap maybe?  Dunno, just not that way inclined I think!  Should moisturise my hands tho, the handwashing and spirit cleanser at work are punishing!

Right, need to get a wiggle on, Rich has his school play tonight so need to be ultra organized.  Onwards peeps!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

And the next day .....

You suffer with the ME flare you knew you would get because of the stress.  Some things in life are sadly too predictable.  Had a chat with a friend, knew I shouldn't because I feel fragile, but wouldn't listen to myself and ended up getting upset.  This friend is indifferent and sarcastic and I don't know why I bother, hopefully I will learn my lesson and just say enough is enough!

Had a good evening, despite the earlier upset.  Hubby went to the beer festival which left me and the children home alone.  I never browse youtube, and realised last night just how much I miss out!  Sarah showed us various funny videos, cute animals exploding and others, and came across this one.  Now, I have a very weird sense of humour, and even now when I think of this I crack up.  I was literally crying, could hardly breath and my sides hurt so much.  The girls were indifferent, Rich found it funny but not like me.  I put the link up on FB but will try and add it here.  It is just the cats bum that sets me off ...................

Becky and Sarah very kindly wedged my Bagpuss in the lounge window this morning without me knowing, and I finally noticed it and cracked up again.  Bless em :o)  I love my children so much.

Right, got Ratdog here again and Specks hasn't had his walk yet, so need to go out.  Also got to hang the third load of washing out, and do yet another load of ironing.  Who said Sunday is a day of rest?!

Saturday, 9 July 2011


I am a mother and as such will defend my children to the ends of the earth.  It helps if they have done no wrong of course, but even so I may well make excuses for them.  What do you do therefore when the person you are defending them against is your husband, their father?  Have a bloody big row, thats what!  I am so angry right now, an emotion I very rarely feel.  All over a haircut.  Sounds trite, but to my son, it is the end of the world.  Oh god, I can't even get it all down on here, just need to let off steam. 

how time flies

Strangely I haven't been able to blog for a while.  Weird for me!  Anyway, I realise that I am stressed at the moment, its taken a while to sink in why I have been feeling odd lately, but that is my diagnosis.  Little things which I could normally cope with are getting to me, and I really don't want to be bothered with things.  I am not even visiting my ducks as much.  I can hear the cries of horror now!  Its one of those times when I would like to lock myself away and let everyone get on without "mums intervention".  The comments I can normally brush off hurt, and I am ouching a bit too much.  The protective bubble needs to be put into place, but by the time I remember its too late.  Pah, crappy memory wins again.  I will do it now and ask for it to be kept in place, maybe that will work.  We are off on holiday in two weeks, that will help, a bungalow on the cliff miles from anywhere, bliss!  Just got to try and keep Dad in bed beyond 5am!!

Although my oldest "children" are 25 and 22, I still worry about them.  I guess as a parent you never stop worrying.  I know Dad still worries about us, so there is living proof.  My son works as a TA with special needs children, mainly autistic children, and the stories I hear are not nice.  I admire him and am so very proud of him, as I am with all my children, but I wish he was doing a different job.  His fiancee let slip that he is ill a lot and on questioning Rob it appears it is probably due to the child he is currently working with.  All I can say is ewwww, and I will leave it at that!  I know we all want the best for our children, but life isn't all chocolate drops and roses, no matter what our wishes.   My daughter is going through the pain of a break up.  He is on my hitlist, and again, I will say no more! 

I have noticed that my girls jump out of the pond now when I go to feed them, well, my girls and the one who has had a sex change!  This just fuels my theory that they do actually recognise me!  Yesterday I went to a feed supply shop and bought 10kg of duck food.  If I was reckless it would go on one visit, but I must make it last for a week at least lol.  They do seem to appreciate the corn more than the bread.

Have booked tickets to see Will Young in October.  Its going to be a busy month, The Feeling, Stephen Merchant and Mr Young.  Shame the Will Young gig is in Swindon, bit of a dive in my humble opinion, but hey ho, I regretted not seeing him when he came to Bristol 2 years ago and made a pact that I would def see him next time he is in this area.  It was either Swindon or Cardiff, and I find Cardiff a real pain so "the dive" won out.

Think thats about it for now.  Whenever I post a blog I always think of things I was going to mention but forgot,  think I need a notebook.  How sad is that!  Off for a cuppa and then to see Captain Ed about one of his rather intrigueing blogs ............................

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Yup plop!  Erggghhhh.  Struggling and on a downer at the moment.  Struggling to control the pain and have run out of prescription pain killers.  Maybe I should get some clippings and try smoking grass - it can't do any less than the over the counter meds!  Itscrap being a dental nurse when your wrists and hands are so painful, there is a lot of mixing invoved in the job which just doesn't help.  I have both wrists splinted up at the moment.  Feeling sorry for me yet?  Don't worry, I am feeling sorry enough for myself.  Sleep is a blissful escape, but if I sleep during the day too much it affects my night sleep, which is bad enough.  I have such vivid dreams - I was invited to tea with the queen last night on christmas day and her chauffeur turned up 4 hours late.  I was not amused!   I was sooo cross because she had ruined christmas day that I refused to take part.   Then I found out that everything we said was being taped which made me even madder. Weird or what! Just don't analyse me, it might be too scary.

Ducks, six more baby ducklings and two older ones have appeared on the pond.  After buying seed for the duckies, I have discovered that ducklings don't like seed, probably because they don't go under water to find it.  I am taking down bread and seed for now, much to hubbys displeasure, waste of money.  We waste a lot of bread anyway - Tesco's unsliced bakery bread does not, no matter what the "master baker" says, stay fresh for more than a day.  Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish, but good for the ducks.  I also noticed that whilst the ducklings are quite self sufficient when it comes to feeding themselves, moorhen chicks are not.  The chicks are almost the same size at the parents, but rely on them to find food for them and feed them.  This means an incessant high pitched sort of squeak permeates the air.  Annoying.  Mirandas' mother was very vocal as always, she's a right old gossip lol.

I am being pestered to go and keep Rich company whilst he learns to skateboard.  His Dad is worried about the amount of time he spends on the xbox, but at the moment they seem to clash, so Rich and I have worked out a timetable for it.  I have ventured up in the loft, standing on my reiki couch and using a crutch to pull the skateboard towards me, so now he is mobile in one more way - scooter, bike, skateboard, oh and legs of course!  I used to be able to skateboard a long time ago, but my sense of balance is rubbish due to M.E so can't help him much now (thats my excuse and I am sticking to it! Actually, its not an excuse as those who know me will know of my frequent trips, falls and visits to hospital!)

Have made a "date" to meet up with Ed (toyboy for Michelles information lol) in the week.  Will look forward to that.  Apart from that its the usual work, work, Josh, Dad etc, with a bit of bed, housework and dog walking thrown in somewhere along the line.  I am looking forward to my holiday, only a few weeks now. Yayyy.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Its back

Its back again

by Jill Stroud on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 9:33am
Its back!  Well, not the same one, but another one to take its place.  There I was, usual pose, hair full of shampoo, body nicely shower gelled, and then I saw it.  Couldn't fail really.  Long, long legs, coming down the wall towards me.  What is it with spiders and showers?  I have this theory that the water must splash on the invisible web, so spider thinks "ah, food" and down it comes.  I know shouting at it makes no difference, but I still do it, flattening my body (hah, thats a comedy in itself!) against the cubicle door.  I don't mind spiders, unless they are thick and hairy, but I do not want them in the shower with me.  There is a place for them, and that is outside.  Obviously I have to get under the water to rinse off but I really don't want to turn my back on this spider cos by now it is almost waist height.  Still, bravery wins out and I grit my teeth, rinse my body and hair, and turn around.  Thankfully spider has decided to become a voyeur and stay where it is!  Out I hop, (did I mention losing a leg in fright? lol) and squeeze the water out of my hair all over the floor without thinking.  I must think of a way of spiderproofing the shower cubicle.  Don't need the stress that early in the morning!

Well that is all I am going to say at the moment.  I went to the park with Josh yesterday, with him constantly asking where the party had gone, to find 6 new ducklings swimming around.  Need I say more?  Guess where I am off to now.  Tesco can wait. As long as there is food in the kitchen by the time the children come home all is good.

Oh, actually, the mention of Tesco reminds me of my latest gaff.  Maybe it will be a Morrisons day to be safe.  I was at the self service check out on Tuesday and as usual there was a young assistant hovering - male on this occasion.  He was being told by a more senior member of staff to clear out the tags from the tills.  Young man was obviously having an "I don't want to work and its nearly home time" moment and was moaning, saying he just wanted to go home. He was told to just do it, and as I walked past him I said "aw, you can come home with me if you like".  The poor lad went white and ran for his life. Ha haha.  All I meant was he could sneak out but obviously it came out all wrong, typical Jill fashion.  I am not in the habit of picking up young men in Tesco, honest.  Well, ok, there are a couple I would take home, they know who they are, but hey, I'm only human, and far from dead yet!! lol

Will report back later re duckies :o)