Sunday, 10 July 2011

And the next day .....

You suffer with the ME flare you knew you would get because of the stress.  Some things in life are sadly too predictable.  Had a chat with a friend, knew I shouldn't because I feel fragile, but wouldn't listen to myself and ended up getting upset.  This friend is indifferent and sarcastic and I don't know why I bother, hopefully I will learn my lesson and just say enough is enough!

Had a good evening, despite the earlier upset.  Hubby went to the beer festival which left me and the children home alone.  I never browse youtube, and realised last night just how much I miss out!  Sarah showed us various funny videos, cute animals exploding and others, and came across this one.  Now, I have a very weird sense of humour, and even now when I think of this I crack up.  I was literally crying, could hardly breath and my sides hurt so much.  The girls were indifferent, Rich found it funny but not like me.  I put the link up on FB but will try and add it here.  It is just the cats bum that sets me off ...................

Becky and Sarah very kindly wedged my Bagpuss in the lounge window this morning without me knowing, and I finally noticed it and cracked up again.  Bless em :o)  I love my children so much.

Right, got Ratdog here again and Specks hasn't had his walk yet, so need to go out.  Also got to hang the third load of washing out, and do yet another load of ironing.  Who said Sunday is a day of rest?!

1 comment:

  1. Tell you who...a man!
    all he did was work Saturday overtime and put his feet up Sunday and ignore Mary and Jesus' ironing or Sunday dinner!
    Me & Gill were in kinks at the video on FB yesterday...but also some of the others like the OMG cat and the WTF cat!

    This too will pass

    D'man x
