Friday, 1 July 2011

Its back

Its back again

by Jill Stroud on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 9:33am
Its back!  Well, not the same one, but another one to take its place.  There I was, usual pose, hair full of shampoo, body nicely shower gelled, and then I saw it.  Couldn't fail really.  Long, long legs, coming down the wall towards me.  What is it with spiders and showers?  I have this theory that the water must splash on the invisible web, so spider thinks "ah, food" and down it comes.  I know shouting at it makes no difference, but I still do it, flattening my body (hah, thats a comedy in itself!) against the cubicle door.  I don't mind spiders, unless they are thick and hairy, but I do not want them in the shower with me.  There is a place for them, and that is outside.  Obviously I have to get under the water to rinse off but I really don't want to turn my back on this spider cos by now it is almost waist height.  Still, bravery wins out and I grit my teeth, rinse my body and hair, and turn around.  Thankfully spider has decided to become a voyeur and stay where it is!  Out I hop, (did I mention losing a leg in fright? lol) and squeeze the water out of my hair all over the floor without thinking.  I must think of a way of spiderproofing the shower cubicle.  Don't need the stress that early in the morning!

Well that is all I am going to say at the moment.  I went to the park with Josh yesterday, with him constantly asking where the party had gone, to find 6 new ducklings swimming around.  Need I say more?  Guess where I am off to now.  Tesco can wait. As long as there is food in the kitchen by the time the children come home all is good.

Oh, actually, the mention of Tesco reminds me of my latest gaff.  Maybe it will be a Morrisons day to be safe.  I was at the self service check out on Tuesday and as usual there was a young assistant hovering - male on this occasion.  He was being told by a more senior member of staff to clear out the tags from the tills.  Young man was obviously having an "I don't want to work and its nearly home time" moment and was moaning, saying he just wanted to go home. He was told to just do it, and as I walked past him I said "aw, you can come home with me if you like".  The poor lad went white and ran for his life. Ha haha.  All I meant was he could sneak out but obviously it came out all wrong, typical Jill fashion.  I am not in the habit of picking up young men in Tesco, honest.  Well, ok, there are a couple I would take home, they know who they are, but hey, I'm only human, and far from dead yet!! lol

Will report back later re duckies :o)

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