Saturday, 2 July 2011


Yup plop!  Erggghhhh.  Struggling and on a downer at the moment.  Struggling to control the pain and have run out of prescription pain killers.  Maybe I should get some clippings and try smoking grass - it can't do any less than the over the counter meds!  Itscrap being a dental nurse when your wrists and hands are so painful, there is a lot of mixing invoved in the job which just doesn't help.  I have both wrists splinted up at the moment.  Feeling sorry for me yet?  Don't worry, I am feeling sorry enough for myself.  Sleep is a blissful escape, but if I sleep during the day too much it affects my night sleep, which is bad enough.  I have such vivid dreams - I was invited to tea with the queen last night on christmas day and her chauffeur turned up 4 hours late.  I was not amused!   I was sooo cross because she had ruined christmas day that I refused to take part.   Then I found out that everything we said was being taped which made me even madder. Weird or what! Just don't analyse me, it might be too scary.

Ducks, six more baby ducklings and two older ones have appeared on the pond.  After buying seed for the duckies, I have discovered that ducklings don't like seed, probably because they don't go under water to find it.  I am taking down bread and seed for now, much to hubbys displeasure, waste of money.  We waste a lot of bread anyway - Tesco's unsliced bakery bread does not, no matter what the "master baker" says, stay fresh for more than a day.  Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish, but good for the ducks.  I also noticed that whilst the ducklings are quite self sufficient when it comes to feeding themselves, moorhen chicks are not.  The chicks are almost the same size at the parents, but rely on them to find food for them and feed them.  This means an incessant high pitched sort of squeak permeates the air.  Annoying.  Mirandas' mother was very vocal as always, she's a right old gossip lol.

I am being pestered to go and keep Rich company whilst he learns to skateboard.  His Dad is worried about the amount of time he spends on the xbox, but at the moment they seem to clash, so Rich and I have worked out a timetable for it.  I have ventured up in the loft, standing on my reiki couch and using a crutch to pull the skateboard towards me, so now he is mobile in one more way - scooter, bike, skateboard, oh and legs of course!  I used to be able to skateboard a long time ago, but my sense of balance is rubbish due to M.E so can't help him much now (thats my excuse and I am sticking to it! Actually, its not an excuse as those who know me will know of my frequent trips, falls and visits to hospital!)

Have made a "date" to meet up with Ed (toyboy for Michelles information lol) in the week.  Will look forward to that.  Apart from that its the usual work, work, Josh, Dad etc, with a bit of bed, housework and dog walking thrown in somewhere along the line.  I am looking forward to my holiday, only a few weeks now. Yayyy.

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