Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Stress mismanagement and a bit of bumbling.

I am stressed and I really don't know why.  I don't like it!  Its almost like I have PMT (sorry guys!) but I don't get that any more thanks to the drugs!  School uniform is stressing me, although there are at least 6 weeks to go before I need to even think about it.  Have bought the new uniform for Sodbury for both Bex and Rich, so just need the trousers and shirts.  That will be a haul in itself for Becky.  Skinnyfit black trousers and a fitted blouse?  Ha, not in the shops round here matey.  Rich is easier, although the panic with him at the moment is his "prom" outfit.  Two days left to find something ffs! 

Each time I go into work something new seems to pop up.  I have suggested the nurses get together to iron things out if we can, but one of them countersuggested a shotgun! lol  We are waiting to win the rollover on the lottery - that would ovbiously sort out all the problems.  I have just sent off yet another payment, £59 this time for the CRB check.  Posted the registration fee of £120 yesterday.  Thats more than half my wages gone for this month then!  Going on holiday in less than a fortnight too.  Hope none of you are expecting postcards and rock!  Come to that, hope my family aren't expecting food!

Just had a thought, perhaps this packet of tablets is a placebo and thats why I feel out of control.  Hmmm, must see a man about some drugs!  Maybe he can come up with a concoction to sort me out *scratches head thoughtfully*  When you think of all the advances made in the world, surely there should be some sort of reliable happy pill available, one that is 100pc sure to work.  A brain sorting out potion would be good too.  When I hear of the tales my son tells about the autistic and special needs children, its heartbreaking and actually horrifying in some cases.

Work is over for another week.  Monday was my last session with Cameron, and he ended it with a lovely hug.  Long time since a young man had his arms around me.  Of course, I hated every minute of it, but endured it for the sake of my job.  I mean, what woman would want a strong young man hugging her?! lol  This morning was mainly check ups which is boring, but that is the way it goes sometimes.  Back in tomorrow for Beckys ortho appointment.

I haven't seen my ducks for a few days now.  Strangely, not been feeling up to it.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day.  It worries me a bit because its something I get a lot of pleasure from.  Must kick myself into gear instead of worrying about not feeling right.  Sarah came with me last time I went and then we went in the wildlife area, me braving the possibility of snakes and or sloworms ewwwww.  Nice walk tho.  Its nice to spend a bit of time with her alone.  Mind you, Sarah wasn't impressed with my duckies or feeding all the ducks.  I swear shes not my daughter lol. 

I joke about that a lot actually.  When I was growing up I was animal mad, out on horses all the time, walking the dog etc.  I went to discos and wore makeup but wasn't mad on fashion and music and shopping.  I have said this before, explaining my lack of housewifely enthusiasm.  My daughters on the other hand, love shopping, fashion, cooking.  My Mum would be proud of them cos she loved cooking and was "a homemaker".  It seems to have skipped a generation big time, and it is always a surprise for me.  When I have to go and buy mascara, foundation or hair straighteners as presents I am flummoxed.  I wonder up and down the aisles and eventually give in and ask a young assistant.  Hairdressers can't believe that I don't own a hairdryer!  I am really bad at looking after myself, my daughters are always telling me to moisturise etc.  Bottom of the heap maybe?  Dunno, just not that way inclined I think!  Should moisturise my hands tho, the handwashing and spirit cleanser at work are punishing!

Right, need to get a wiggle on, Rich has his school play tonight so need to be ultra organized.  Onwards peeps!

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