Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Brain dead day

Gosh it was hot yesterday, but not sunny.  Work was the expected nightmare, gloves and mask making us feel like we were in a tropical jungle.  I used on average 3 pairs of gloves per patient, but don't tell the boss.  Windows were open, fans were on, and it was still hot.  One of the male patients lightened the mood by asking me to "unchain him".  Goes well with the latex theme I thought lol.  He was referring to the chain holding the bib down in case you are all wondering what goes on in Frampton!  The fan was blowing the bibs around so we put a chain on them to weight them down and keep them in place.  Did I mention that last week as I was clearing up, the dentist I work with, 27 and fit, rubbed my shoulder and thanked me?  Well this week I was cleaning the instruments in the sink and he came up and hugged me goodbye.  I was so shocked I nearly lost a probe down the plug hole!  I am a bit worried about next week I have to say - most unlike me where young men are concerned!  Bless his cottons.  He is leaving at the end of July, so what will happen then I don't know.  Changes are afoot ......................................

Ratdog is here again, my mate is moving her "stuff" into her new house and "wondered if I could have him for a bit so he's not under her feet".   No problem.  Speckle loves playing with him, he is one of the few dogs (if you can call him a dog) that he does play with.  Not the bravest of dogs, 6 inches off the floor is obviously the perfect playmate for him.  I do need to go to Yate tho, not quite sure how to manage that one.  Will probably wait until the children get home from school to dogsit.

My brain, well no, not my brain, my mind, is on overdrive at the moment.  It has a lot to think about, but is on spin speed and the thoughts are all whirring around meaning I can't concentrate on anything.  I should be used to it but its disrupting.  I have so much to write about, and I think that I will save it up so I don't become a serial blogger, but it all slips away.  It was going to be so interesting too!  Maybe I should just sit down and see what flows without censoring it.

Ok, heres one - bloody ratdog has mauled one of my piggies.  I thought they were both in the hutch, and put the gate across to keep them out of the garden, but obviously Dougie was in the garden.  Went to the kitchen for a drink and looked out the window to see the sodding dog on my piggie.  *cries - lots*  Poor dougie is very bruised and has got chunks of hair missing.  I have put him in a box with lots of blankets and a cover over him to see if he recovers ok - hes very shocked atm.  I feel so bloody guilty, I should have double checked they were both safe.  Sodding dog is now yapping at the window because he can't get to the cat.  Him and me have fallen out big time.  There will be all hell let loose when Matthew comes home because he doesn't like me looking after Ratdog as it is, and he keeps telling me something will get the piggies.  I can feel a big fat "I told you so" coming on at the very least.  Can't even find George, and I know for definite he was in the hutch cos I saw him.  Lots of swear words!

What is it with life.  How come some people seem to sail through, things work out well for them, they make money, they have jobs they enjoy, happy families, and yet for others it is the total opposite?  I have noticed that I am going thru a dissatisfied, resentful period at athe moment, and that is not really like me.  We all get disatisfied at some point along the way, but I never usually resent people for what they have and I don't.  It worries me.  Maybe its midlife crisis time. Its that "stop, let me off for a while" time  I know that work related things aren't helping either.  Maybe its time for a holiday.  I don't know.  All I know is that I don't like the feeling - not the band before someone makes a comment!

Talking of The Feeling, listened to their new CD last night.   Hmmm, there are still a few tracks that you know are them, but on a lot of the tracks they have changed their style.  Need to listen to it lots more obviously, but not sure I am liking the new stuff.  Will download it onto my mp3 and go around permanently plugged in.  That annoys my family so much.  For some reason they hate me having headphones in and listening to music.  Probably because they don't have 100pc access to me and that is a no no.  Mums must be available 24/7 no matter what, and have no life of their own without first getting permission from each member of the family!  IF you listen to music you must only use one earpiece, so you can still fainly hear your name being called.  See, resentful!  I think I sound like I need some time out just for me, although I do get some on a Thursday and Friday during the day, in between seeing Dad and shopping and housework (what little I do).

I need to get my arse in gear.  Need to tidy up and do some odd jobs.  Rich will be home soon so he can take care of ratdog whilst I get on and do a few things.  Its Josh day tomorrow, so won't be doing any housework apart from putting on some washing.  I usually use Wednesdays to take Dad out as well, so both of them are occupied!

Will try and make the next blog more interesting in case anyone reads it :o)

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