Friday, 3 June 2011

Sex, drugs and rock n roll!

Sex - not to be discussed here, partner and best friends only thank you very much!  Hang on, thats discussing it with best friends, not er having it!

Drugs - Oh I know a lot about drugs, prescription ones that is.   I have a whole host of boxes and bottles tucked away in my cupboard for M.E symptoms.  I have a policy of trying them once, deciding I don't like the side effects and  shutting them away.  Sometimes my lovely GP manages to persuade me to give them another go, and out of respect for him I do, then they find their place back in the cupboard!  The only tablets I take regularly are the pain killers.  I did mention to eldest son that I should take up smoking pot for pain relief.  He thought it was a good idea, but was rather worried about the thought of his mum taking drugs.  Not for a moral point of view, but because I am so naive - he thought I may well ask for some grass and end up with lawn clippings sold to me at an extortionate rate!  Prescription drugs it is then lol.

Talking of grass clippings, my free range guinea pigs are causing me some distress!  They have stripped the bottom of my shrubs bare, even daring to stand on their hind legs to reach higher.  Thank god they don't watch Britains got talent, they might come up with the idea of standing on each others backs to reach even higher!  I was wondering why my seedlings haven't shown their faces yet, only to realise that actually they had, and were cruelly eaten in their prime.  One of the piggies, George, even had the cheek to nibble Rich's goal net, meaning I have to go and repair it.  George, you are a guinea pig, not a goat!!!  What with the pigs eating everything in sight, the dog causing yellow patches on the grass, and the cat using my flower bed as a toilet, I am getting a bit cheesed off.  I would rather Rosie used our garden than a neighbours, having to clear my front lawn from the deposits of next doors' cat, but would prefer not to witness such an act.  I did discuss having chickens with David, but his comment "they like to root around in the soil" just about killed the idea.  Mind you, they would be penned in away from the plants, so maybe its still a goer.

Rock n roll.  Well, have booked tickets to see The Feeling in Bristol this October.  Hopefully I will manage to make this concert.  Out of the four I had booked this year, I only made it to one.  I have paid over the odds for tickets to see Stephen Merchant too, also in October, and eldest son has said he would like to come with me for this.  Yayyyy, haven't been out with him for ages.  Its usually a cinema trip for the family when he comes to visit, and not usually a film of his choice, but he'll do anything for a hotdog.   It will be nice to spend some time with him.  Its hard being a parent.  I find it hard getting to grips with the fact that Rob is actually an adult.  I guess it would help if he behaved like one occasionally, but I think madness runs in the family.  My father certainly still has his brilliant sense of humour, which I have inherited and for which I thank him.  It is quirky and not everyone understands us, but hey, we just don't care.  I really do think humour is important in life, and a lot of people don't practise it enough.

I managed to get out to see my duckies yesterday.  Still feeling crappy, not helped now by the heat, but I needed to go for a walk so I didn't go stir crazy.  I forget that the park isn't mine, being used to going during school hours when it is deserted.  What a shock, and disappointment!  People everywhere, swines lol.  I found my girlies under a tree, and I am sure they were pleased to see me.  Oh, ok, they don't know me from Adam but I am good at self delusion.  They didn't want the bread but I threw it into the pond anyway.  We had a little chat, maybe that is why everyone gave a wide berth, and then went on our way.  I am sad to report that there is now only one cygnet.  I don't know what has happened to the other two, someone suggested a fox had got to them.  Hopefully Mr and Mrs Swan can keep this little one safe.

I am dog sitting today for my friend.  Batfink, or to give him his proper name, Noodles, is a truly nutty 6month old, not a lot bigger than Speckles head.  He is fearless, relentless and the children love having him.  He insists on sitting on my knee whilst I drive him here, because Caroline lets him sit on hers.  She is so soft, but so loveable that I just *sigh* and indulge her bad habits!  Have tried to persuade Rich to come along but he is ensconced on the xbox with a new map pack for CoD.  Only when Noodles bounds thru the door will his eyes leave the tv screen.

Right upward and onward.  Well, out to the car to pick up said dog!

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