Friday, 10 June 2011

ducks, drakes and decorating!

I tiptoed through the raindrops, there being no tulips around, and took Specks to the park at lunchtime.  My girls were there, and there are also 2 young drakes trying hard to join the group.  The girlies are having nothing to do with them, chasing them away and quacking furiously.  There were two canada geese there today waiting for some food too, the first time I have fed them.  I was, and still am, really tired, and so stopped a quarter of the way around the pond for a sit down.  I am glad I did because I discovered my "missing" duckie, swimming along with a young looking drake.  Awww, her first boyfriend!  He did look very unsure of himself, possesively swimming along by her side, but not getting too close.  I am sure she is too young for all this, only being a few months old!  I am happy because I know she is ok and hasn't ended up as fox food.  Here, hopefully if I can master it, is a piccy of them......

The second one is not the one I wanted but I don't know how to delete it! lol  And the park has ended up at the top of the page.  Oh well, at least I tried!

We are painting the lounge - at least we will when we can agree on a colour.  How do people manage when they both have completely different tastes and no one wants to give in?  I usually give in, but hubby had chosen what was termed "light beige", but in fact looked almost white on the tested bit of wall.  As the hall is almost white I really don't want the theme carried on through into the lounge.  So it was off to B in a Q again for more tester pots.  Even at 7.45 on a Friday evening there is still a queue, with the obligatory one till open!  Four more colours have been added to the walls in various places, and still no decision has been made.  I am a blue person, aquas and turquoises.  Husband dislikes blue.  He pointed out a bright green, which I didn't mind, but not in the lounge.  Plus, there was no matching colour to go with it, the idea being to have the one "statement wall" in a vivid colour, and the other three walls toned down.  There was another couple in B in a Q trying to choose paint, and he jokingly said to just pick anything and hurry up.  I asked him how long they had been there and he replied "since Thursday!", so we are obviously not alone in being undecisive.  Have I mentioned that we alo have enough samples of wallpaper to paper a couple of walls and then decided to paint instead?! *sigh*  Any interior designers amongst you, feel free to join in.

Right, thats all folks. Feel free to pitch in and add you ideas :o) xx


  1. Sweet...the duck bit!
    Lovely pictures of the park and 'your girls'
    your walking is very good for you I doubt Specs agrees!
    The painting and decorating stuff...
    The obvious is to wallpaper in patchwork!
    I don't know...I always feel that compromise is how things work and lack of that is how they don't
    Of course as I tippy type alone on my Saturday morning I don't feel qualified to talk about how to get through such sticking points
    I will say though that the little pastiche of the drakes trying desperately to join your girls but being seen off feels very representative of something in you!
    I think you enjoy the peace that the duck families live in...
    Back to reality, I think you have to concede too far in your life, you are a strong woman who spends the most time looking at the walls in question...beyond all else it is your turn!
    Clearly these sticking points are also symbollock (yes!) of the way your relationship performs.
    All that said it is a wall
    I will leave you to your quandary before my comment becomes a rant

  2. Thought I was having a reading there for a moment Mr Dx :o) As you sit alone? Think I need to catch up with you again very soon xx
