Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Humour and of course, ducks

I think  I have OCBD - obsessive compulsive blogging disorder!  Now I have started to get my thoughts out into the ether I can't stop!  I guess in a way its only like the "old fashioned" diaries?

Work.  Boy was I glad to get home today. Not because I had a bad morning, far from it, I needed to calm down.  For some reason, probably because he got there first, James got the patient to put on the safety goggles.  All quite normal, but the patient in question was already wearing his own glasses, which were rather large and owl like.  This meant the safety glasses just perched on the end of his nose and looked, to me, very comical.  Oh dear.  This just set me off on a course of silent giggles. I thought I was going to have to leave the surgery, but managed to contain myself. Then, when the patient sat up, they fell off his nose, which set me off again.  Silently of course.  That was it then, it was a race for the glasses, and because I had to go and get the patients in from the waiting room, James was usually ready and waiting, safety glasses in hand, ready to greet the patient!  He would then ask the patient to pop them on, whilst looking at me and grinning!  Only one patient foiled him by taking her own glasses off first. This, along with our normal banter, made the morning a very hilarious one.  I worked with him yesterday, and will be working with him again on Thursday.  All in all, a good working week :o)

I took myself off to the park, with dog of course.  I got a quacking good telling off from one of my girls for not bringing food!  I sat down on the grass and the girlies glided over, and Mirandas Mother started.  Now, if you haven't watched Miranda, you should, and if you do watch it, you know exactly who I mean and what she is like.  Its not the first time she has quacked at me non stop, and I find it very funny.  It just made me think of Miranda for some reason, and now the name has stuck.  Next time I visit I will make sure I am well stocked up.

Next thing I had to "stock up" on was petrol.  I had promised Rich I would get him some munchies too and the petrol station is the only place I know that sells them.  I have long since lost the art of getting the guage to stop exactly on the pound, or pounds.  I know it doesn't matter, but its becoming a matter of principle - I will not let the pumps beat me.  It just doesn't seem to make any difference how early or late I ease up on the handle, I still go over.  £20.01 today.  Anyway, I went into the shop and totally forgot what I had gone in for.  Now even I can see the strangeness of a woman entering the shop,of a petrol station, and saying out loud, "Oh bugger, I have forgotten what am I doing"    Ok, strange, maybe even worried looks from the poor chap behind the counter.  Isn't it obvious missis - paying for petrol?  Doh!  Talk about blonde moment lol.

I had to laugh at my piggies this morning.  They tiptoe out onto the lawn then hear a sound and run back to the trees.  Its  the first time I have realised how big their bums are!  I said to Becky I must have been a guinea pig in a previous life and she laughed - not the response I wanted!!  Children, you just can't rely on them.

Sadly I need to stop and serve tea.  I hate being a housewife.  I like not working, but I don't want to be a housewife!  Off to the kitchen ...............................

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing well, thanks for asking- I hadn't mentioned it yet in my blog, but I should, if everything goes well, be getting a kidney transplant in a month or so. My brother, the donor has to finish his testing. So, my situation isn't quite as bad as it may appear. Is there any sort of treatment/cure for what you have?
