Thursday, 16 June 2011

Tips for life!

I thought I would give you all a few tips, some learned from "blonde" moments, some from experience!

1.  When you wear glasses it is a good idea to remove them before splashing water on your face to wash, unless of course the object is to clean the specs as well.
2.  Its no good putting the car into first gear and trying to drive off unless you have actually turned on the ignition first.  Found this out yesterday after stopping at a local shop to buy milk, realising I was in hubbys car instead of mine and there was in fact no money in the dish by the handbrake, so driving home again.  I was obviously already thrown by the lack of money, hence the added confusion when the car just didn't move.  Checked I wasn't in reverse by mistake, no, def first gear.  Well, his engine IS quiet .................................
3.  Guinea pigs are a very good weather indicator, and before deciding to hang out your washing even though the sky is sort of blue-ish, check to see where they are.  If they have decided not to leave the safety of their hutch, its going to rain at some point in the day.  Believe in them!  Hang said washing out at your peril.  I am thinking of renaming my piggies "weatherpigs".  Then again, I will probably forget :o)
4.  I am sure I can come up with a number four.  Give me a moment .....oh yes, here we go.......
Your tea will very rarely cook itself.  It will quite happily, and quite often what seems like in the blink of an eye burn itself, but cook itself to the right point - never.  Just remember that next time the computer/new book etc seem so alluring and you are cooking - stay aware!
5.  Snails, when left in a pot overnight smell, bad!  Almost on a par with chickens that haven't been cleaned out enough.  Don't forget to warn your friend about this after you have spent a happy afternoon with her 3yr old son snail hunting and he wants to take them home.  And no, its not a punishment for your friend who got invited to see Take That whilst you babysat! lol
6.  There is a saying that goes something along the lines of "dance like no one is watching".  Don't, someone usually is!!

On that note I had better go and ring the school as daughter is home with sore throat disease!  Remember, be safe out there, and if you make a mistake let me know so I can have a laugh xxx 

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