Saturday 29 June 2013

M.E flare

As I am in the midst of a flare I thought I would try and describe how I am feeling.

Hot, my blood feels like it is on fire, giving me that inner glow.  My hands seem to feel it most, so painful and hot. I also have sausage fingers which are very stiff.  My joints are almost unbearably painful, even sleep doesn't give me relief.  I am aware that I am crying out in pain as I move, or don't move.  As I lie in bed my joints, especially my back, hips, knees and ankles hurt more.  I cannot get comfortable, even putting pillows under my knees and against my back for support.  I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I sleep, wake up due to a raging thirst and then sleep again.  When I am awake I feel nauseous and have a headache, along with all the aches and pains.  There feels like barbed wire around my heart area, like a bad stitch feeling.  Luckily I don't stay away too long which deals with the nausea but not the pain as I said earlier.

  All I can do is take pain killers, drink lots of water and sleep.   I know it will ease and over the course of a couple of weeks I will be back to my normal state of health.  Thankfully I don't get a full blown flare very often, it seems to have settled to about twice a year, and for that I am thankful, although not whilst suffering it!

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