Well, its been over a week. Doesn't time fly? Just shows what an exciting life I lead. Am going through a bit of a "not happy at work" phase for some reason. I have a feeling its because the holiday season is coming up and the "filling in" (no pun intended, but perfect for the dental world!) rota is up on the board. I am already stressed because I have been asked to work all day on a couple of Mondays. Not a problem for most people, but for me its a real biggie, and when I said I can't work a full day it didn't go down well. It doesn't make any difference if I have the following two mornings off, it is still too much. I know how hard it is to understand, I really do, but I wouldn't say I can't do it for the fun of it. It doesn't make me feel very good, and I am fed up of that old feeling useless feeling. Lots of feelings going on here! I can't put into words how inadequate I feel not being able to do things that I used to take for granted. Eerk, must stop saying feeling!!
Onwards. Lets see, what have I been up to? Well, there is one thing that is bothering me alot. The ducks are back on the pond, which I love, but I am very disturbed to report that there are no ducklings this year. I really don't know why. Last year the ducklings were mostly drakes, in fact, I would say they were all drakes. There are about 6 or 7 females and at least twice as many males. Why no ducklings? There is a new pair of swans on the pond this year who have 6 cygnets. The previous pair were taken away to a swan rescue centre as they were being harried by the young male. I know swans will kill the ducklings, but surely not all of them? And, as I say, normally there are nearly 20 ducklings each year, but this year nothing. I will have to do a bit of research I think. I get a lot of pleasure from the duckies!
Finished the otter doorstop I was knitting, can't remember if I said. I am glad cos I don't like knitting with fluffy wool. Bearing that in mind, ebay did its usual trick of seducing me and I have ended up buying two more lots of the stuff. For heavens sake, what am I like. Definately no willpower! Need to find something suitable to knit now. Have done the dachshund that was requested, but he is smaller than I would like. Going to try and get some thicker wool and knit another one with bigger needles and see how that one turns out.
Just watched another rubbish film from lovefilm. I am useless at picking films it seems. Books are fine, but films just seem to escape me. This last one, Blue Valentine, didn't even make it to the end of the disc, both daughter and I giving up on it. I am better when I stick to the childrens films, long live Enchanted!
Daughter no 2's prom dress has arrived. Yayy, hope this will give her the incentive to finally choose a pair of shoes as she needs them for the fitting. Her Dad is taking her shopping tomorrow as I have had no luck with her. They will both enjoy the outing no doubt and will hopefull come home triumphant. Mind you, I am having trouble finding something suitable to wear to Daughter no.1's graduation, so maybe its a bit of the pot calling the kettle black!
Right, washing to fold. Had it out on the line and the rain made an appearance. ttfn
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