Monday, 25 July 2016

Day 1 as happy, smiley, stressed receptionist!

Well, it was my first day as receptionist today, ending lots and lots of years as a dental nurse.  I did start to work it out but got scared and quickly stopped!

It was fine up until about 9.15, we start at 8.45, and I was already getting complacent about it being a doddle compared to the surgery.  I luxuriated in fiddling with my pen and pencil and thought about an early cuppa.......  Then the phone rang, patient in need, on went the helpful receptionists hat, out comes the day book and first crisis averted.  Down goes the telephone only to ring straight away.  Out comes a patient from  surgery 1, closely followed by patient from surgery 2. Ok, there are two of us and the other receptionist has been there years.  I answer the phone whilst she dispatches the patients.  Lady's son came in last week and made an appt for January but can't remember when, but can she book in at the same time?  Well, the thing is, we are not computerised so have to trawl through the appointment books to try and find these appointments.  Couldn't find one in January under her sons name - oh, maybe it was December.  Not prepared to do it all again I just made new appointments.  Put the phone down, patients are arriving for appointments, phone is ringing, again, and more patients appear from the surgeries.

Stàrt panicking, no free spaces for emergencies, people are going to have to wait a few days.  Have to think of Shania Twain and rearrange a few lyrics - so you have a loose crown?  That don't impress me much, do do dodo (hum along now).

By the time 1pm arrives I have filled in about 6 forms, entered 20 in the book, answered umpteen phone calls and only managed 2 cups of tea.  The other receptionist on the other hand, has dealt with numerous patients, got the cards out for the afternoon sessions, filled in umpteen forms, done the banking, got cards out for next week, phoned the water board as we have a fountain in the carpark that shouldn't be there and put a delivery of stock away.  Slacker!

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