Friday, 22 July 2016

Iron me flat!

My husband asked what my plans were for this afternoon.  I mentioned that I needed to do some ironing, and his reply was "Is it me, or do the number of times you say you are going to do the ironing not match up to the times you actually do the ironing?"

He has a point.  Some things need building up to, and ironing is one of them.  I think if I keep saying it I reach a point where I realise that I will have to get on with it.  Its a bit like dieting, you can't tell everyone you are going to go on a diet and not, its just not done.  Best to keep quiet about some things!

I did feel ashamed though when husband needed his shirt to wear to a funeral.  He has only worn it once, and that was to my eldest sons wedding - 2 years ago!  It has been sitting at the bottom of the pile for all that time, repeatedly overlooked because its a "posh" shirt and not needed.  Bit like my thoughts of dieting, although sadly that is needed.

Man, I wish people would leave us more generously fleshed people alone.  I don't enjoy eating salads and endless amounts of chicken all the time.  Too much veg gives me wind and sitting in public with a hurricane whirling around your insides is embarrassing, especially if a rogue breeze escapes.  If I am hungry I want to eat, not have a pint of water. Hungry not thirsty peeps.

Something overcomes me when I diet.  Think its called rebellion!  I suddenly get the urge to eat things I never would have batted an eyelid at before.  Things like cakes and biscuits, and crisps become very appealing and I absolutely MUST have them.  Normally my downfall, if you want to call it that, is chocolate.  Cannot be beaten, unless abroad when it becomes very avoidable due to the difference in taste.  I turn into a derranged cookie monster on speed, and could eat the size of Scotland in shortbread.

Husband has just popped his head round the corner and said "ironings going well then".   Darn, I think the time has finally come.........

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