Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Hairy moments

How do women who wear glasses manage to pluck their eyebrows?  Don't want to be discriminatory here, so how do men who wear glasses pluck their eyebrows too?  A long time ago, in a galaxy far away and a time before elder daughter left for uni never to return, she used to do it for me.  I lived in fear of looking in the mirror afterwards and finding they had disappeared, or turned into zigzag patterns.  Maybe a crop circle or two magically appeared in place of eyebrows.  To be fair, she did stick to my instructions of only plucking the stray ones under the brows, and I took a Bic (razor, not pen) down the gap between each eyebrow to complete the job.

That was pre the year 2000 and slowly, bit by bit I am looking more cavewoman than couture.  My younger daughter never took the mantle over, but likes to point out that my eyebrows need "doing".  No, she likes to gasp in horror as she spots the occasional grey hair, demanding that she pull it out.  After pulling a handful of brown hairs she declares she can't get it, leaving a nice bald patch with one solitary grey hair stuck up in the middle of it.

After yet another mention of the brows I thought I would take matters into my own hands and try the job myself.  I got up close to the mirror, and almost gasped in horror myself!  To my half bespectacled eye it looks like my right eyebrow has decided to be a side burn instead and try and join my hairline.  For heavens sake!  Is this what happens to women when they reach a certain age?  I know of beards and moustaches, and await mine with a certain amount of glee, but sideburns too?  Maybe that is just the start of it and in actual fact sightings of bigfoot are actually post menopausal women hiding out in the wood because they have developed all over fuzz.

I daren't look at the left one.  When I feel braver, and have bought a new bag of nice sharp bics I will shave  my face to within an inch of its life.  Till then I will leave my head hair to hang forward and everything can blend in together.

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