Saturday 8 February 2014


Do you ever have that, what are we doing here, moment?  I guess its the meaning of life debate that goes on.  I think I'm having it.  I look at my life, which I know could be so much worse, and just feel what am I doing and whats the point?  I really am at sea at the moment, totally lost. What a bummer!  Maybe its a midlife crisis, don't feel I have achieved anything apart from my fantastic children, can't work much due to my illness and therefore don't have the amount of money to make life easier.  I know it doesn't all come down to money, but sometimes you know, it does. 

I know I still miss my Dad loads, we had so much in common and his death sent me adrift. 

Do you know?  Think I will have a cup of tea, stiff upper lip and all that.  Just feel fed up of blogging depressive feelings, but it is a release.  Oh bollocks, am heading for the kettle!

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