Sunday 23 February 2014

giving in

Okay, heres the whingey blog.  Feeling like I want to give in and go back to bed today, which of course I won't.  Ironic that I knew I was going downhill a few weeks ago and took last week off with it being half term, and I have taken time off too early!  Looks like there may be another bout of time off due to sickness coming up.  I seem to manage around 2 - 3 months of reasonable health and then I crash.  I have promised my son and his friend I will take them to the cinema today to see The Lego movie.  I thought it would be an ideal time to slope off and look at wedding clothes.  Eldest son is getting married in May, and knowing how fast time flies I really should find something to wear.  Sadly his fiancees stepfather died a few days ago, so I feel that might put a touch of sadness to the day for Emma and her family.

Actually, I should go to bed for an hour or so instead of typing this.  Do something sensible for once instead of plodding on with things.  So, I bid you goodnight.

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