Thursday, 13 February 2014

Joining the ducks

By eck its cold today.  I have reached the point where the cold has seeped into my bones and I can't get warm.  Was cold at work yesterday and it just seems to have gone from there.  I blame the wind, its ferocious and goes straight through you.  The heater in our surgery seems to have two settings, hot or off, which is a pain, despite its many offerings of settings.  Never mind, could be worse, could just decide not to work, in which case I think we would join it!  Wouldn't be surprised if the bosses control it remotely behind our backs.  Week off next week, so happy.  Struggling to get up in the mornings.  I think 8am seems to be a nice time to get up, or maybe half past.  Hate dragging myself out of bed when the alarm goes off.

Got such a rubbish memory can't remember if I have mentioned the fund raising for Torresh?  Hes a 3yr old in Nepal who is in need of treatment for leukemai.  One of our patients set up a clinic a few years ago to treat children with bone marrow cancer and fund raises tirelessly to keep it going.  She has now been persuaded to try and raise fund for Torresh.  My son is having his hair shaved off next week, and I am proud and touched to say he has around £300 of sponsorship.  Alot of his friends can't wait to see his fringe go in particular, its a Justin Beiber original (much as I hate to swear and blaspheme!), and some of them are happy to have a go at cutting some of it off!  I am worried, I hope he knows what hes let himself in for.  I know, it will grow back, but I am a mum and worry about most things child related!  We are going to have a sort of Close Shave party for everyone.  Watch this space!

I am seriously getting worried about the weather.  I have fears of Britain disappearing under water with inland lakes a new feature!  The pond at the park is about to burst its banks which has never happened before.  I very nearly joined the ducks in the week, slipping down the muddy bank, flinging the bag of bread like a shotputter of repute, and rolling to within inches of the water!  The ducks all flew off quacking up (sorry, bad pun).  I did have a moment of worry as to whether I would climb back up the bank, or just stay slip sliding all day and have to be rescued.  My son, as normal, was very sympathetic when I told him and broke into peals of laughter.  They are used to me falling down, rolling down hills, falling in rivers.  Sadly there seems to be something about me!  No balance probably due to the ME.  Thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  I also still think I am a teenager and capable of great things.  Shame my body has other ideas.

Ooh, I had a go with some diving rods on Tuesday at the circle I attend.  I haven't used them before, and it was amazing.  Doesn't take much to make me grin with awe.  They really do move on their own.  Must get some :o)

Right, as seems to be happening lately, I am ending this with the intention of making a cuppa.

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