Monday 20 May 2013

Monday 20th.

Unexpected call to arms today in the form of a phone call from work this morning requesting my presence as one of the nurses had left a message to say she was sick and couldn't come in.  Obviously I didn't want to go , but it was a chance for me to give something back for a change.  I knew there was a chance that Christine would be able to cover for me tomorrow or Wednesday too, so I wouldn't end up doing more hours and knackering myself even further.

Still got that not well feeling, we shall say no more.

Had a bit of a miss you Dad moment whilst serving tea tonight.  I cooked the joint in a casserole dish and there was a lot of meat juice produced.  I looked at it and thought I must save some for Dad.  Clunk, reality hit with the tears.  I miss him and am lonely without him, but I usually manage to successfully lock the feelings away.  Stupid little things have the ability to sneak in and punch you in the heart!  Last time it was toothpaste during a cpd session at work.  Crazy.

Piggies are still fighting, spring must be in the air for them at least.  Beginning to wonder if I should have just bought one more instead of two.  Three is very obviously a crowd in my garden.  Do I find one a new home, or get yet another one to try and even things up a bit?  There will always be the lowest of the pack so I may well find a whole gardenful of piggies won't cure the problem!  Watch this space!  Maybe a couple of sows ............

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