Tuesday 16 August 2011


Okay, I am now officially knackered.  Doesn't take long does it?!  Dad had a sample of the fluid taken from his abdomen yesterday - resembled a reddish yellow tomato soup with bits, according to him.  Ewwww.  Thanks for that Pops!!  The registrar, lovely man, had a chat with me and said that their first thought is cancer, possibly of the liver, and that if that is cofirmed by the test result the next step would be a CT scan to find out just where its coming from.   They would then decide if and how to treat it.  He was totally frank with me and Dad has asked him to speak to me before he talks to Dad as he can get confused.  We have also agreed, Dad and I that is, that we will be totally honest with each other whatever the news and outcome.

That is all for now.  I so desperately want to break down and have a bloody good sob, but am trying to remain "strong".  Wonder how long that will last.  Keep finding my eyes leaking, a weak human trait according to Princess Aurora in Flash Gordon!

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