Monday, 1 August 2011

Virtual postcard

Well this could be a very long blog, have been away on my hols for a week, so no blogs.  I could tell you everything about the week, like a long blog postcard, but then that would be boring, bit like people showing you their photos - means loads to them but not to you!  Maybe I will just showcase the best bits ..........

Firstly, we went to Cardigan in Wales, and it is a long, long drive!  Even I was saying "are we there yet?" and I was driving!  Went in two cars because eldest daughter and Grandad came with us, plus the dog, and even then space was tight!  Stayed in a bungalow on the cliff, less than 1/4 mile to the edge and the sea.  The bungalows best feature, and it was a nice bungalow btw, was the conservatory that offered a fantastic view over the sea and field behind the house.  There were dolphins and seals to  watch and flocks of canada geese flew over at least twice a day, honking away.  I loved it.  Kept rushing out and running back and forth so the geese flew over my head - amazing :o)  Also, if you believe my kids, very sad, and slightly dangerous in case they poo'd on me! 

The weather was lovely, until Wednesday night when the mist suddenly rolled in.  Creepy, one minute you could see and the next everything outside was white and hidden.  Thursday was a bit drizzly and windy.  Ironic really as that was the day we had booked boat trips.  Many of you will know that I DO NOT DO BOATS, so the trip was for Matthew and the children - Bex and Sarah dolphin spotting, and Matthew and Rich fishing.  There was an hours difference between the  excursions, so we saw Bex and Sarah off on a somewhat choppy sea, then went for a cuppa to warm up a bit.  The time came for Matthew and Rich to go on their trip so off they went, and back they came.  All boat trips were off due to the weather.  Ah, didn't bode well for Sarah and Bex then.  And indeed, when they came back, they were slightly pale to say the least!  The dolphins hadn't shown up, but they were kept entertained by one of the passengers repeatedly throwing up over the side of the boat!!  Neither girls were feeling too good, which was a shame, so we headed off to a cafe to restore them to normal.  Chicken and chips later, and they were feeling well enough to get into another mode of transport (car) and head back to the bungalow!  It was a bit weird, because the weather perked up again Friday.

On the way home I detoured to Llanelli to deposit my Dad with my sister for the second week of his holiday.  It was lovely to see them, and my niece and her children.  Dad is now her responsibility for a while :o)  It is a bit strange already, and bear in mind its only Monday, with him not being around.  By the time I get used to it he'll be back.

Have just come back from a staff meeting to meet the new bosses.  All is looking good, they are lovely people, and hopefully we can all now get back to normality at work and the stress will be over. 

Thats it, I am writing no more!  Got a mountain of ironing to do, need a cup of tea and to put the shopping away cos I ran out of time earlier.  Also, the demon ratdog is here, terrorising Specks and being like a doggy cannonball.  Oh for a bit of his energy lol.

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