Thursday 25 August 2011

Day 13 and hes home.

Well Dad came out of hospital last night, very frail, very weak and with a diagnosis of liver cancer.  He finally had a drain put in on Tuesday which relieved him of 8 LITRES of fluid.  I am so cross they left him so long.  Bloody consultants.  Bloody watch and wait policies. 

I am more upset now he his home and I can see how far downhill he has gone.  The fear of him dying has kicked in more now.  Its like he has given up and everything is too much effort.  I just hope that time will work magic and bring him more to the Father I know he is.  He still has the drain in place but the hospital don't want to see him for 4 months.  Get this - he is supposed to empty the bag himself and take the drain out when he feels there is no more fluid leaking out.  Don't think so!  Not even the suggestion of a visit either to or from a district nurse to take the drain out and ensure the wound is ok.  FFS.  Am I cross? Just a wee bit!!  I will be on the phone to the gp to try and sort something out, lets hope the after care is as good as the care he got before he was admitted.

Well thats my update.  I need to go and do some shopping and then get back to Dads.

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