Wednesday, 17 August 2011

a day off

Today is my youngest daughters' 14th birthday, how time flies!  It also means a day off for me from visiting Dad.  I willingly said I would still visit, but he said to stay at home and he would phone Becky to wish her happy birthday.  To be honest I think it is becoming a strain for him.  He wants me to visit, and has a list of a couple of people he is happy to see, but it seems to take it out of him having to be sociable.  At least with me it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to talk.

I had a phone call from work today asking me to cover for holidays, which I am happy to do, but I do feel a bit under pressure with Dad being ill.  They understand that at the moment life is a waiting game and we are in limbo until we get some concrete results from Dads blood tests, scans, fluid tests etc.  I think that is what is getting Dad down too, the not knowing for sure.  At least when we know we can plan for whatever is thrown at us - hopefully.  Husband and I have discussed whether it is viable for us to keep Dad in his home and try between us to have one of us there all the time, or whether we should turn the dining room into a makeshift bedroom and have Dad here.  Obviously for us, it would be easier if he came here, but that may not be best for him.  Again, limboland.

Anyway, must go, got a birthday brownie cake to cover with fresh cream and strawberries!  Sickly or what lol.


  1. you both!
    Interesting and scary...
    Sorry to hear your Dad is still struggling
    So you are planning an arrangement like when Matthew was incapacitated...
    As you so rightly realise I too suspect the problem may be your stubborn independent lovely Dad
    Ring me any time...take care

    Mr Dx

  2. Thank you David. I will ring when I am composed enough xx
