Sunday, 14 August 2011

Day 3 in hospital

Lets think, ah yes, its Sunday.  Woke at 6.20 and couldn't get back to sleep.  Think I slept slightly better last night.

Visited Dad this afternoon.  He has had an xray which showed fluid "from his neck down", not just in his abdomen.  Things look bleaker every time I see him.  He is supposed to have a sample of the fluid taken for tests tomorrow, and hopefully they will also put in a drain.  Once the fluid has been analysed we will know what we are dealing with for certain.  Today I am struggling and cannot lift my mood.  I will be glad when we know once and for all what is wrong and then we can move forward and plan.

I think I may have had a visit last night, but can't be sure.  I was sat in the lounge and suddenly smelt the aroma of flowers.  No one owned up to having been to the downstairs loo and used the fragrant hand wash, so not sure what it was.  It was sort of comforting though.

Sarah, Rob and Emma are home for Beckys birthday on Wednesday.  They make so much noise, I am having to stay out of their way.  Too much exuberance!  Love them all to bits tho, nutters the lot of them!

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