Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Did I say I couldn't be arsed? lol

Do you know what?  I just can't be arsed to blog!  This is a very bad sign, cos normally I have some rubbish to spout forth, so I am making the effort now.  Yayyy!

Lets see, whats been happening.  Well, I guess not much actually.  Maybe thats the reason for the lack of mumblings.  We have been back from our holiday for 2 weeks now, and I still haven't managed to wade through the enormous pile of ironing.  Of course, its not helped by the fact that my family will insist on wearing clothes every day, which need washing and ironing.  So selfish!  Maybe I should pop to Tesco and get some wheelie bin bags and make them wear those until I have managed to catch up :o).  I am, of course, exempt from this idea, even a wheelie bin liner would probably not fit, and as it is me who does the ironing I can make the rules. 

The weather, typically for an english summer, has gone downhill.  I have to say, we do seem to be quite lucky with the sun for our holiday, although I am beginning to think that husband and I went to different destinations this year.  I thought the weather was lovely, I seem to remember sunbathing and paddling, even going as far as to wear my swimsuit on one occasion.  Sorry, just don't picture it, you will all be fine!  He, on the other hand, didn't think the weather was very good!  Maybe its a bit of the glass half empty syndrome?  I do actually wish I was back there, it was so peaceful.

I have only managed to see my duckies twice since getting home.  Part of the reason for this is ratdog!  I seem to be dogsitting and he is a bit of a terror, so I avoid the park when I have him.  Also, the park just isn't the same when it is full of people.  Again, selfish!  My park, my ducks!  Oops, sounds a bit like Monsters Playhouse - you will find it in the childrens section of the library lol.

My father continues to be ill, his gp is lovely and it won't be long before we are on first name terms and inviting her to tea!  I have to make jokes because I am very worried, he is on a fast track appt to check for bowel cancer now.  I hope its not, but as he has prostate cancer and leukemia, it will just be one more thing to add to the mix.  The downside is that his stomach is very bloated and swollen and he cannot keep food or drink down him atm.  I keep telling myself he is 82, and trying to be philosophical, but its not always easy.  I am too young emotionally for him to die. 

Talking of age, Captain Ed was 21 last week.  I dropped a token present off to him and we were talking about celebrating 18ths, 21sts etc.  I could not remember what I did for my 21st.  I know I had an 18th because it snowed, but 21?  Nope.   Then it came to me.  The obvious reason actually.  I am only 18, so I HAVEN'T HAD MY 21st YET!!   Silly me!  Watch out for your invites lol.

Still on the subject of age, its Beckys birthday next week.  She would like clothes so I dutifully took her to the Mall (my idea of hell) and traipsed round after her for 4 hours.  Four hours!!!!  I need a medal, I am a bloody fantastic mother!!  Anyway, we came home with £30 of makeup (!) and 2 tops, sore feet (me), a need for a sit down (me) and not a lot else.  *sigh*  She asked me the most stupid question ever last week.  "Mum, have you got an eyebrow pencil?"  That gave me a good laugh.  I sometimes look at my daughters and wonder if they are actually mine!  I am continually being told off for not shaving, legs that is, not beard!, plucking my eyebrows, moisturising.  That makes me sound like a right slob, I assure you I am not, I just don't really have any interest in the beauty regime I guess.  I got told off by Rach for not moisturising my feet as well last week.  Maybe I need to kick myself up the bum and start joining the women!

One of my friends has just come back  from Devon and I awaiting the call to say that my fudge is ready to be picked up.  Good job I am not holding my breath and am fully awake.  Its a bit like saying I will win the lottery on Friday or Wednesday or whenever it is run.  Still, its a nice dream.  Mmmmm, fudge!

Right, I need to go and do.  Dog to walk, Dad to check up on, dishes to wash, and of course, ironing to do!!

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