Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Empty Nest

I am beginning to suffer from empty nest syndrome.  My children are at the stage they only need me to feed them and give them money and lifts.  My daughter spends most of the time she is at home in her room and my son the same, although he has a room downstairs with his xbox and pc in, so I do at least hear him!  I sit in the lounge knitting or reading, its quiet, and I feel empty and a bit lost.  Of course, most of my friends my age have already been through this phase and are able to work to fill the void and earn much needed money.  They envied me my late arrival of child number three, and then four.  This means that so far I have had 27 years of having children around me.  I know its going to be a good few years, probably around ten, before the youngest flies the nest, but that not needed feeling is strange and not nice.  Its hard being a mother!  I still enjoy having them around, most of the time!  Bless em, love them all to bits.

There are a few ducklings on the pond, which is still looking yucky, despite the few days of rain we have had.  At least the water level has risen, which is good.  Most females, in fact I don't think I saw a single drake today.  Its very weird.  Blummin male swan is chasing the ducks for all he is worth.  It really annoys me and spoils my enjoyment.  I really do not like swans at all, no siree.  There were a lot of dog walkers in the park today too.  I am not really a very sociable person and I try to avoid the group as much as I can.  I just don't like chatting.  I think I take after my Dad in that respect, although as he got older, and I guess after Mum died, he craved company.  I just like the peace and quiet.  Mind you, I do talk to myself a lot so maybe that fills any need I have.  Yup, I am the nutty woman wandering around chatting away quite happily with no thought to how I appear to others.  Haven't been locked up yet! 

Lets see, on the moan front, tinnitis is driving me potty, tired, sore throat and still suffering from vertigo.  I will say no more.

My youngest daughter and I are off wedding dress shopping tomorrow with my prospective daughter in law.  I never went wedding dress shopping for my weddings.  The first time around I had my dress made, and the second time obviously I didn't wear a wedding dress.  I say obviously, I guess some people do?   Anyway, I am looking forward to it, and was touched that Emma asked us both.

Okay, thats enough for today.  In other words, can't think of anything else to write about.  Off to do yet more knitting.  Hopefully one day I might make some money out of it ...........

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Poorly pond!

I find it very sad seeing the state of the pond at the moment.  The water level has gone down considerably, at least 18 inches, the water is a swirl of green , stagnant maybe?  The pond weed is rife, in the pond and also in the river that feeds the pond.  Alot of the fish have died, providing the marauding seagulls with easy meals, and it is just generally a mess due to the hot weather we have had so far.  I can't remember a time when it looked this bad.

I visited Dads tree today for the first time in a couple of weeks, and that is not doing too well either.  There is a water feature in the area of park that the tree is planted, so I used a doggy bag to scoop up some water to try and feed the tree a bit.  I will return with a plastic milkbottle, or bucket and do the job properly later.  I would be very upset if the tree died totally.  Dad had one the same in his back garden which he loved, and that is the reason I chose the same species to go in the park.  It is the focal point I never had when Mum died, and I call out a hello to Dad whenever I go past it.  We scattered a few of his ashes there, amongst the roots of the tree, so part of him is there, literally.  I know his spirit is free and I am sure he wouldn't have minded a bit of him being parted from his main ashes.  Sounds a bit morbid typing it down!  I have just bumped into one of his neighbours who informed me the lady who lives in his house is expecting another baby in February.  It would be weird if it is born on Feb 28th as that is Dads birthday. 

Bit of a break, not that you would know obviously.  Have just been to the wool shop.  Oh dear, soooo tempting, which is ok when I have just been paid, but not when I am in my overdraft.  Just can't resist.  I sat there looking at all the wool and deciding what I could knit, instead of thinking of my patterns and buying the wool to match if you see what I mean.  I have a fair bit of wool waiting for a pattern!  Buttons.  Bought some fab buttons too which I am sure I can encorporate.  Useless woman that I am.  Food is the thing we need, not wool and buttons!

Right, off to hang the washing out.  It has cooled down and become overcast so I am pushing my luck I think, but hey ho, whats new?!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Hot and bothered

Wow, its been hot.  Its been very hot for England.  Trouble is, its also been humid.  The heat here is different from the heat abroad, its a wet heat if that makes sense.  If the nights were cooler and breezy it would have been lovely, but of course that hasn't happened.  Every one is getting hot and bothered and grumpy, me included.  I have always been a peace keeper, maybe that stems from having a very strict, military father.  No wasn't in my vocabulary, along with not disobeying.  I am a meek, mild person, anxious to please and putting myself at the bottom of the heap.  It is not within me to stand up and shout the odds sadly, just not brave enough and always thinking of peoples reactions.   Hence, in this heat, with everyone being hot, bothered and grumpy, myself included, I am tiptoeing around the household trying to soothe everything over.  I am stressed with it all.  I am hot at the best of times due to my illness, and this heat has almost taken me over at times.  I can see why some people have panic attacks over things now, I think if I had let go it could have happened to me!  Self combustion, here I come lol.  We had rain last night, and it is overcast today, although still hot and muggy.

Still knitting for the fayre in November.  Weird knitting snowmen and stockings in the heat.  Not easy with sweaty hands either, the wool doesn't slip on the needles very easily.  I think my early passion for it has gone, I am almost knitted out.  I think the pleasure for me has been browsing the patterns and choosing the wools.  Once I have to knit a certain item the fun goes out of it.  Mind you, I have added more books to my kindle so I can knit and read at the same time, much to the disgust of my husband who likes to talk to me whenever my bum hits a chair!  I know I shouldn't complain, but I do like peace.  I take after my Dad like that, happy with our own company.

I have registered with the General Dental Council for another year.  Sometimes I really want to give up work, its such an effort, but on the whole I enjoy it still.  I went through a really hating it period a few months ago, but happily that seems to have passed.  August and September are bad months because its when the receptionists and one nurse, who has no school age children, take their holidays and the panic for cover is rife.  I do what I can, but as you probably have gleaned by now, I can only do one extra session a week.  Not helpful when its between 5 and 10 extra sessions that need covering!  Three people are off in September, one on her honeymoon and two on holidays, again!  Two receptionists and a nurse, 18 sessions a week to be covered.  Not a hope of agency staff either due to the cost.  Such fun,in the words of Mirandas' mother!

Right, think that has emptied my brain of a bit of stress.  Its very therapeutic getting things off your chest without bothering anyone.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

M.E flare

As I am in the midst of a flare I thought I would try and describe how I am feeling.

Hot, my blood feels like it is on fire, giving me that inner glow.  My hands seem to feel it most, so painful and hot. I also have sausage fingers which are very stiff.  My joints are almost unbearably painful, even sleep doesn't give me relief.  I am aware that I am crying out in pain as I move, or don't move.  As I lie in bed my joints, especially my back, hips, knees and ankles hurt more.  I cannot get comfortable, even putting pillows under my knees and against my back for support.  I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I sleep, wake up due to a raging thirst and then sleep again.  When I am awake I feel nauseous and have a headache, along with all the aches and pains.  There feels like barbed wire around my heart area, like a bad stitch feeling.  Luckily I don't stay away too long which deals with the nausea but not the pain as I said earlier.

  All I can do is take pain killers, drink lots of water and sleep.   I know it will ease and over the course of a couple of weeks I will be back to my normal state of health.  Thankfully I don't get a full blown flare very often, it seems to have settled to about twice a year, and for that I am thankful, although not whilst suffering it!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


I am happy to report that I gave myself a mental kick up the arse and got on better at work today.  I did find it hard to concentrate during a crown prep, but that is a 40 min appt, and although I lost focus I did remain with it enough to keep up.  I felt happier and relaxed a bit, not feeling a failure is good for the ego!  Thats it for work for this week now.  Just housework to do, yayyy.  Have finished knitting the minions now too so I can knit something I want to knit.  Think it might be a guinea pig, got some speckly wool I want to try out.

That it, too tired to type more, plus nothing has happened apart from dropping daughters prom dress off to be shortened.  The seamstress thinks it will be ready Friday, which is good.  It can be hung up out of the way then in readiness.

Right, I am going to sit and read for quarter of an hour and then start getting tea ready.  Toodles!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Losing the plot

I am losing focus badly at work.  It has been noticeable over the past month or so, I am not as quick as I used to be and seem to have lost the knack of pre-empting what the dentist needs.  I find it hard to concentrate too, and I am finding this at home, my thoughts are going around in my head at a hundred miles an hour.   I had a chat with the dentist about it and he has noticed, well, hard not to to be honest.  He feels it would be better to just book check ups in and short treatments on the days I work.  Thats no good is it?  Why should he have to work like that just because his nurse is losing the plot?!  To watch me sometimes you would think I have just started in the job, not been doing it since 1979.  I don't know what is happening to me.  Maybe I need a break, short term or permanently.  I don't know what I could do though if I left.  Working the 8 hours is too much on occasions.  I can't stand up for any length of time, I drop things regularly, can't concentrate, and am continually tired.  Not much hope is there.    I was really upset when James chatted to me earlier, I guess I was trying to kid myself it isn't happening.  Oh bollocks!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Knitting, a few of my projects.


I wish I could be listened to.  That is all on that subject.

Been knitting Minions like crazy.  The new Despicable Me film is out and I thought little Minions would go down well.  I was right.  Its weird, I love browsing patterns and thinking "I would like to knit that".  When it comes to Having to knit for people, its not so much fun!  I need to start Christmas stock for the fair in November.  Keep thinking I have plenty of time, but as we know, time goes so fast it will be here before we know it.  Thinking about some Halloween mice too .........

At last we have shoes sorted for younger daughters prom.  Taking the dress to be taken up this Wednesday, and the prom is next week.  Talking of daughters, my eldest daughter gained a 2:1 in her physics degree.  Yayyy, that means she gets her job which also means she can afford the flat she has just taken on.  Glad its working for her.  Just wish my son could get his dream job.  Actually, there are lots of things I could wish for, same for everyone I guess.  Its a dangerous path and one I won't travel down.

Gosh, not much going on really,  Went to the music festival on Saturday, it wasn't as good as in previous years, but the weather held which made a change.  Got a stupid patch of sunburn so now look like I have a bum on my chest.  *sigh*  Never mind, its back to warm clothes today so it won't show. 

Have just spent an hour ironing, and still have 4 shirts and a tshirt left to do.  That will teach me to be lazy and leave it for so long.  Got to put it all away too for my sins.  Hate housewifely jobs.  I am lazy, I admit it and do the minimum.  The ME doesn't help, but can't use that as an excuse really.  Anyway, daughter wants to make brownies, which I don't mind doing.  I quite enjoy baking, but not cooking, if you see what I mean.  I would love a cook to come in each night and prepare the meals.  I have no inspiration as to what to cook each night, despite perusing cook books.  Everyone likes different things too so I try and accommodate them all.  I keep meaning to make puddings too, but never quite get around to it.  Pitiful!

Talking of food, it is lunchtime, so off to have a nice salad wrap.  Mmmm.  Diets not going too well either!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Birds,fish and polar bears!

Well, didn't sleep well last night.  In fact I am going through a not sleeping too well period.  Had a dream about Mum and Dad, we had gone to a wine exhibition of all things, and I was looking at a very intricately pattened bottle when they walked off and left me.  This continued, so in the end I sat down and had a meal on my own.  I spotted them by the lifts so hurried over, only for them to turn away and get into the lift from a different side of the room.  This made me really mad and I rushed in before the doors closed and started shouting and swearing at them, demanding to know why they were avoiding me.  They denied they were, but said it was time I was on my own.  I was so sad when I woke up and remembered, and it brought tears to my eyes.  Maybe  they were trying to tell me that I have to let them go and not talk to them all the time and wish they were still here.  I don't know, but I do feel there was a message there.

Park news.  I took Specks there yesterday  and remembered the bread!  I stopped at a sheltered bit where there are a lot of trees to feed the moorhen and saw an enormous carp.  I have never seen a carp in the pond before, though thinking about it now I recall circles and ripples in the pond.  I am not joking about the size, it must have been 2 ft long at least.  It swam under the moorhen and nearly gave it a heart attack.  Poor thing took off onto a low branch squawking away.  That was the first thing to happen.  The next really made my day.  I rounded the corner to the top end of the pond where all the ducks were sat sunning themselves.  Notquite sure why I said sunning because it was blowing a hooligan and raining!  Anyway, the duckies saw me coming and assumed I had food and all came hurtling over the grass demanding breakfast.  It was brilliant, and I know it might sound sad, but this sort of thing gives me loads of pleasure.  Just wish I had taken more food.  I usually take corn but gave my last lot to a little boy and his Dad when I realised I was hogging the duck feeding, and his bread was being ignored.   I also saw another woodpecker!  Not in the park this time, but by the school.  Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, just hopping around on the path.  It was ok for a few seconds, but then flew away as Specks came into sight.  Amazing.  I feel I have had a good year so far with spotting birds I haven't seen before.  Saw the kestrel a few weeks ago too, and I haven't seen that since the beginning of the year.  Again, that was the first time I have seen one in this area, although I am sure they must be around somewhere.  We have a few buzzards each year, but not seen the smaller hawks.

I am in the process of knitting a polar bear.  Tried using my fluffy wool to make christmas angel mice but it didn't work so need to adapt the pattern a bit.  Will do some more though.  Got some suitable wool to knit another dachshund, and also some guinea pigs.

Prom dress fitting went fine.  Daughter looks beautiful, I hope she stays so slim throughout her life, unlike her mother!  Shoes still prove to be a problem, but we are getting nearer to a solution.  Have to, the prom is in 3 weeks, and the hem of the dress will need to be altered before then!

Okay, think that is it.  Feeling fuzzy still, despite having a nap.  Need to think up something for tea too.  I am so not  housewife material! 

Friday, 7 June 2013

Friday 7th June already!

Well, its been over a week.  Doesn't time fly?  Just shows what an exciting life I lead.  Am going through a bit of a "not happy at work" phase for some reason.  I have a feeling its because the holiday season is coming up and the "filling in" (no pun intended, but perfect for the dental world!) rota is up on the board.  I am already stressed because I have been asked to work all day on a couple of Mondays.  Not a problem for most people, but for me its a real biggie, and when I said I can't work a full day it didn't go down well.  It doesn't make any difference if I have the following two mornings off, it is still too much.  I know how hard it is to understand, I really do, but I wouldn't say I can't do it for the fun of it.  It doesn't make me feel very good, and I am fed up of that old feeling useless feeling.  Lots of feelings going on here!  I can't put into words how inadequate I feel not being able to do things that I used to take for granted.  Eerk, must stop saying feeling!!

Onwards.  Lets see, what have I been up to?  Well, there is one thing that is bothering me alot.  The ducks are back on the pond, which I love, but I am very disturbed to report that there are no ducklings this year.  I really don't know why.  Last year the ducklings were mostly drakes, in fact, I would say they were all drakes.  There are about 6 or 7 females and at least twice as many males.  Why no ducklings?  There is a new pair of swans on the pond this year who have 6 cygnets.  The previous pair were taken away to a swan rescue centre as they were being harried by the young male.  I know swans will kill the ducklings, but surely not all of them?  And, as I say, normally there are nearly 20 ducklings each year, but this year nothing.  I will have to do a bit of research I think.  I get a lot of pleasure from the duckies!

Finished the otter doorstop I was knitting, can't remember if I said.  I am glad cos I don't like knitting with fluffy wool.  Bearing that in mind, ebay did its usual trick of seducing me and I have ended up buying two more lots of the stuff.  For heavens sake, what am I like.  Definately no willpower!  Need to find something suitable to knit now.  Have done the dachshund that was requested, but he is smaller than I would like.  Going to try and get some thicker wool and knit another one with bigger needles and see how that one turns out. 

Just watched another rubbish film from lovefilm.  I am useless at picking films it seems.  Books are fine, but films just seem to escape me.  This last one, Blue Valentine, didn't even make it to the end of the disc, both daughter and I giving up on it.  I am better when I stick to the childrens films, long live Enchanted!

Daughter no 2's prom dress has arrived.  Yayy,  hope this will give her the incentive to finally choose a pair of shoes as she needs them for the fitting.  Her Dad is taking her shopping tomorrow as I have had no luck with her.  They will both enjoy the outing no doubt and will hopefull come home triumphant.  Mind you, I am having trouble finding something suitable to wear to Daughter no.1's graduation, so maybe its a bit of the pot calling the kettle black!

Right, washing to fold.  Had it out on the line and the rain made an appearance.  ttfn

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

midweek catch up

So much for my daily blogging. Can't remember where I got up to.  I know I was going to write about Sunday though.  Had a nice day.  The weather was beautiful for a change and hubby and I went to a garden centre for a roam about.  He did more roaming than me but that was fine.  We came home with ideas for the garden and hubby got on with some more work.  We went out for tea, mainly because I didn't want to cook, and its a rare treat.  One of the local pubs does a 2 for 1 offer which is brilliant.  Sadly son had a bit of a strop, although to be fair, the menu has changed and there isn't much he likes on it, so I ended up taking him home via Macdonalds.  This meant a meal going spare for free, so we had a chat and decided to treat the dog to a steak!  Embarrassing I know, but if its a free meal you may as well take advantage!  I am not sure he tasted it mind you, it was gone in a gulp.  All in all a nice day, for which I paid on Monday.  Payback!  Bloody M.E.

So, we will skip Monday, and to be honest, I can't really remember it anyway.  Oh, I did drag myself out to buy a new pair of trainers.  Had a lovely young lad serve me, who diagnosed me as flat footed and directed me to the appropriate footwear.  I am now the proud owner of a pair of trainers that cost almost a weeks shopping, a pair of gel insoles and yet another bag for life from Sports Direct.  Enormous, but yes, handy.  My trainers haven't passed the daughters "trendy" test.  Just wait until she gets old and achey and knows what its like.

Tuesday, work.  Got a bit upset as my dentist said he felt my optimum work hours should be 9 till 11 because after that point I go off the boil and fade away.  I know this is true, but I am a bit upset that it shows in my work.  I am aware of having trouble concentrating and dropping things, but thought I hid it.  The font is a bit up the creek today, keeps changing back when I correct my typos.  

I have finally finished the dragon for Daughters boyfriend.  Yayyy.  I have now started on an otter doorstop.  Got wool athat is like fur so I hope he is going to be a fab otter.

Wednesday,  bad joints today, and didn't sleep very well last night.  Can't be arsed to keep changing the font!  Yes, fingers are very painful, almost like bruises when something touches them.  Not so easy carrying things and putting pressure on them.  Not sure why.  I know they are very painful when I wake up in the morning every day.  Don't think that makes sense but I can't see the screen because of the cat who likes to pretend I would rather see her than the pc screen.

Right, can't see, focus has gone!  I am off for a cuppa.

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Took Specks to the park and actually took my fleece off today!  It is a beautiful day so far, so why am I on a downer?  I miss my Dad so much at the moment.  Got that lost feeling again.  Makes me realise how big a part of our lives the park is.  It provided us with lots to chat about and I miss it so much.  I fear I might become an elderly person pouncer, just to try and recapture the lost moments!  In a lot of pain today too, physical pain, blumming joints.  Too much knitting could be to blame for my hands and finger joints, but doesnt account for the rest of me.  I worked my way around the park bench by bench, the fact that I am always having to wait for Specks to thoroughly sniff everything working in my favour for once.

Youngest sons toe continutes to be yukky.  It is very angry and red still, and still oozing.  The fact he is on antibiotics comforts me a little, but I am checking it carefully to make sure the redness isn't spreading too far.  At least he isn't asking for pain relief now which must be a good sign.  Lets hope I don't need to take him back to gp. He wants to go out, but can't get a trainer on yet, so not sure how we are going to get around that one.

I really need to tackle the ironing pile, still not approached it.  Maybe I will find an old black and white film on the tv this afternoon and transport the ironing board and mountain into the lounge. 

Right, thats it for now.  Should blog at the end of the day not half way through.

Friday, 24 May 2013


Friday already.  Thought I would have a change of font and colour.  Oooh, the excitement!
Right well, as I thought, didn't have time to blog on Wednesday.  Worked in the morning, then took the dog for a short walk and, surprise surprise, had a nap.  Needed to have a bit of energy for parents evening.  Its a case of walking all around the school seeing the teachers.  Son appears to be doing well, which is good because we just tend to leave our children to it unless they ask for help.  I am however going to try and get him reading.  As an avid reader I find it difficult to understand why people don't read more.  I guess for children the lure of xb ox and internet dampens their enthusiasm.  Anyway, after the chat with the English teacher I decided this is one area I really need to push.  A trip to the library is planned.

Early hours of Thursday morning, 2.30am to be precise, saw me dosing said son up with pain killers and preparing hot water bottles.  He has an infected toe which decided to rear its ugly head in the middle of the night.  Bless him, he left it for an hour of pain before calling me and saying he couldn't stand it any longer.   A trip to the gp yesterday resulting in a course of antibiotics, time off school as its too painful to even get a sock on, and frequent soaking in salty water.  This put paid to dog walking and library trip!  It looks very angry, and hopefully will prevent him from picking the skin around his nails which the gp thinks is the cause.

So now we come to Friday.  I guess I can go out and leave him whilst I dog walk, but the weather is cold and windy and I am feeling lazy.  I will take Specks out for a short walk though because its not fair on him if I don't make the effort.  I finally set up a page for my knitting on Facebook.  I would love to be able to earn enough money from it to say "Wow, I am incredibly talented and successful", but I am too soft to charge what it needs.  I have had a few orders to keep me going, but by the time I have bought wool, stuffing, patterns and put some money aside for charity I am left with about 25p an hour.  See what I mean about not charging enough?  I do search for free patterns and am using old pillows for stuffing atm which helps, but nice wool to knit with is a must, and costs more.  Anyway, Jills Knits on FB.  Pop by and place an order.  Don't forget to offer me double what I am charging ;0).  Ha ha, don't know why I added that as no one reads this and its a form of talking to myself.  Makes a change from muttering to myself as I go round the shops!  

Healthwise, I am not feeling too bad atm.  Having to stay in and not walk or shop does wonders for me.  How sad is that.  I sometimes wish I had an invalid scooter so I could take Specks for nice long walks like I used to.  I miss my freedom.  Everything you do has to be weighed up and assessed when you have ME.  Spontaneity is definitely a thing of the past.  

Ok, I have forgotted what font I was using.  Did a spellcheck and interestingly it threw up "internet" as incorrect.  Then it reverted to my usual settings and confused me.  Quite like this one though.  Anyway, I am going to go out with the dog.  I used to be able to blog for pages, but now my mind is empty!  ttfn

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Tuesday 21st

As I type I am eating.  Its 11.12am and I am hungry so decided that instead of snacking, we have no fruit, I would have lunch!  Not sure how this is going to work out, but I need to go to the shops, so at least there will be fruit for later.  Not having a healthy lunch either, beef sandwich and a packet of chipsticks.  I very rarely eat crisps, so don't feel too bad about the occasional packet.  Shame I can't say the same about chocolate. 

Okay, so far today I have done some knitting, tidied the kitchen and taken my dog out for a walk.  Not a long one today.  Just don't know what has  happened to my energy lately.  Obviously I am devoid of a lot of oomph, but the past week or two has been worse than usual, back to how I was when the ME first landed on me.  I also have tinnitis and vertigo which doesn't do for helping me walk in a straight line!  My walking can be erratic at the best of times, veering off and stumbling.  Going to get a reputation for drinking soon lol.  Trying hard to stay upbeat in case you hadn't noticed.

Need to get the bathrooms cleaned today, and the pile of ironing that has taken root still beckons.  Daughter number two will be leaving school shortly, only having to go in for exams, and wants to earn some money.  I can accommodate her there and hopefully she will get stuck in.  She has about the same enthusiasm for housework as her mother, but as she is going on holiday with her friends in July she does need the dosh so hopefully that will spur her on. 

Talking of offspring, daughter number one has found herself a job providing she gets a 2:1 in her degree, which I am sure she will.  Working for the MOD, all hush hush, and to be honest I don't really want to know.    I so wish my eldest son could get the job of his dreams too.  One day hopefully.  From September I will be back to one child at school and one at college.  Been there, done that, didn't think it would happen again!  Strange how life turns out.  Once upon a tme I would have laughed if you had told me I would have 2 children, let alone 4.  Dogs or horses maybe, children?  No siree!  I do still dream of a house with enough back garden to have chickens, ducks and an allotment.  And enough energy to manage it all of course.

I am still going to my awareness circle.  Some nights I seem to be on the right track and someone comes through or I get an image that is for one of the members of the circle that means something to them.  I need to meditate, but I struggle.  I cannot switch my mind off, the thoughts just gallop through relentlessly.  I am finding this at bedtime lately too.  Just can't switch off.  You can't meditate when you are wondering what you will cook for tea for the next week, and how can you make some money when you aren't fit enough to work.  How can I sell my knitted toys?  Will people really want to buy them? etc etc.  I used to be quite good at visualisation techniques but its all gone to pot. 

Okay,   need to get to the shops to buy mousetraps.  Don't want to but am fed up of having to clean out the cupboard under the sink every day.  Have done the humane route but they nibble their way out of the traps so its going to have to be the old fashioned ones.  Eeww, not looking forward to it.  Working tomorrow, so not sure if it will be a blog day.  Parents evening too, so I guess that is now a definite no.

Onwards and upwards.  Or back to bed!  No, no, the mousetraps call ......

Monday, 20 May 2013

Monday 20th.

Unexpected call to arms today in the form of a phone call from work this morning requesting my presence as one of the nurses had left a message to say she was sick and couldn't come in.  Obviously I didn't want to go , but it was a chance for me to give something back for a change.  I knew there was a chance that Christine would be able to cover for me tomorrow or Wednesday too, so I wouldn't end up doing more hours and knackering myself even further.

Still got that not well feeling, we shall say no more.

Had a bit of a miss you Dad moment whilst serving tea tonight.  I cooked the joint in a casserole dish and there was a lot of meat juice produced.  I looked at it and thought I must save some for Dad.  Clunk, reality hit with the tears.  I miss him and am lonely without him, but I usually manage to successfully lock the feelings away.  Stupid little things have the ability to sneak in and punch you in the heart!  Last time it was toothpaste during a cpd session at work.  Crazy.

Piggies are still fighting, spring must be in the air for them at least.  Beginning to wonder if I should have just bought one more instead of two.  Three is very obviously a crowd in my garden.  Do I find one a new home, or get yet another one to try and even things up a bit?  There will always be the lowest of the pack so I may well find a whole gardenful of piggies won't cure the problem!  Watch this space!  Maybe a couple of sows ............

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Day something or other!

Well, I did have the idea in my head that I would blog every day to keep a diary on how I am feeling.  That didn't last long then lol.  I seem to be back where I first started with the old ME, real lack of energy and having to sleep every afternoon.  It sucks as you well know by now.  My mood really does mirror how I am feeling, and I am very weepy and lack lustre.  I dread work, but it has to be done sadly.  Still, after all these years, I am resentful.  I resent that I appear to be living alot of my life on the settee.  Thank heavens for books and knitting!

I don't think I mentioned my bird watching antics.  (bad memory, might well have done, but am going to do so again).  This year I have seen a kingfisher, the heron, the woodpecker and what appears to be a cormorant.  I am planning to investigate this as I have seen this bird twice, both times in flight and I have been unable to identify it.  The last few days I have taken binoculars with me to the park, but typically haven't seen the bird!  All I can say for sure is that is isn't a duck.  The swans have produced 7 cygnets.  This is a new pair to the pond.  The previous pair were in their twenties, and have been taken to a swan sanctuary in Oxford to keep them out of the way of the more agressive newcomers.  Shame, but I am glad they will be safe.  No duckies yet.  Wondering if we will have many this year, as last years broods were mostly drakes.

Think that is it for today, not much happens when you only go as far as the park and Tesco!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Day one in the moan a minute house

Wow, twice in two days.  Don't get excited, this is going to be a sort of health diary, so click onto another page quick.

Okay, woke up with a headache again.  As the painkillers didn't work yesterday I have decided to just put up and shut up again.  Feeling crappy today, hot and cold, really having trouble regulating my temperature for some reason today, headache, feel sick, ache and energy levels almost on zero.

Have cleaned the bathrooms, a necessity obviously,  no matter how I feel each week.  Despite my desperate wish to just sit or sleep, I have to push myself daily or I would turn into a total couch potato.  It is a constant battle, one I am extremely fed up of.  If I look ahead and think of this as the rest of my life it gets too depressing.  I am still angry and resentful after all these years.  I resent the fact that I drag myself through life on a daily basis, constantly having to make a decision as to whether I can take my dog out AND do something else, tidy up maybe, do the ironing.   Today it rained a few minutes after getting out with Specks and he made the decision to hightail off home!  As I had to go to the bank, and get some milk I was happy to go along with him. 

I was reversing very slowly out of my parking space as there was a people carrier parked next to me and I couldn't see if any cars were coming.  There was a rangerover type thing coming and the look the woman gave me made me want to get out of the car and thump her!  I mouthed I couldn't see but she just had such a look on her face.  Obviously she was mightier than me and I was in her way.   I find myself having sparks of irritation now that I used to get in my younger PMS days!   Not very often, but I really do think I would have given her a right mouthful given half a chance.  Old age?  Menopause?  Or just maybe sheer frustration.  I was almost crying with fatigue anyway, the rubbishy tesco bag handle had broken, and this was just the final straw.  

I hate it all, so there.  Stamps foot in frustration.  Before anyone says have you tried this or that, the answer is yes, we have researched and researched trying to find something to help.  I am taking yet more minerals, and garlic too this time in a bid to mop up any free mercury in my system.  Next step composite fillings.  Bank loan here we come lol.

Okay, thats it.  Blogging doesn't really help as much as it used to.  Its getting very repetative.  I guess its just a way of me moaning without actually moaning to anyone in particular and pissing them off.

Its me, signing off ......

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Its been so long.  I am trying to get out of the habit of blogging when not well, although, as I never feel well that could explain the long silence!

I have discovered knitting.  Or should I say, re-discovered it.  I used to knit a lot when I was younger, mainly jumpers and cardigans for myself and the children.  I think it all tailed off when the children grew too old for home knitted stuff.  A book appeared at work courtesy of the "book man" who leaves a box of goodies for us to rummage through every month.  I tried to ignore it but it kept calling to me every time I passed the box.  Wild Animal Knits.  I gave in and that was that!  I had the idea I could knit the beasties and then hand them over to the Hospice for them to raise funds.  I put photos up on facebook and had a fair amount of interest, especially when I stupidly posted chicks up for £1 each just before Easter!  It has resulted in me sending a cheque to the Hospice, and I have had more orders.  Of course, I know peruse ebay, Amazon and other sites for wool, knitting books, patterns etc, and have spent a fortune on books and wools.  In fact, I am hooked, crazy and possibly obsessed!  My friends son and his wife are expecting their first baby soon, so I have diversified and knitted a baby cardigan.  It is soooo cute.  Oh dear, things are bad lol.

I think I will leave it there, I feel the rumblings of discontent wanting to bubble out.  Oh, on that point though, it would appear that my M.E may have been caused by the Hep B vaccine I had the month before the cloud descended, and not by the chest infection as I first thought.  Interesting.  Have done a fair amount of research on this subject.  Wonder if I can use it as CPR for my job?!

Ta ta for now chaps x